Great to blessed with the images once more
Two swords, wielded by caped machines, swiped at Apex, only catching air as he shifted and leaned out of their paths. After adjusting to the once overwhelming speed of A2's powerful slashes, staying ahead of machines that, for whatever reason, appeared to have forgone advanced weaponry for more primitive tools was child's play.
Video Games · TheContradiction
Two swords, wielded by caped machines, swiped at Apex, only catching air as he shifted and leaned out of their paths. After adjusting to the once overwhelming speed of A2's powerful slashes, staying ahead of machines that, for whatever reason, appeared to have forgone advanced weaponry for more primitive tools was child's play.
Video Games · TheContradiction
Just college and work, aka reality, doing too much. Not the sharpest tool in the shed I'll admit and since I have a few harder classes this term most of my free time is studying now. I am still writing though it's mostly free writing so I'm never sure what or how much I'll get done. Ill try to update soon but i dont want to force anything otherwise it'll end up feeling like work and I won't want to do it. Cruel world truly.
Nah. Between the work of this new term at school and my actual job I just can't write the way I'm use to. Trying to figure out a new process that works for me though. Can't promise anything other than the fact that I'm still writing though.
And I posted this right before I gotta head out for one of my classes. Sad boy hours for real.
Good to know. Very good to know.
Then they kissed. Or rather he kissed her. Despite letting it happened A2 didn't quite know what to do with herself.
Video Games · TheContradiction
I got to know where are you even getting all of this? Here I thought I was cultured as they say but I've never seen most of this sauce
Then they kissed. Or rather he kissed her. Despite letting it happened A2 didn't quite know what to do with herself.
Video Games · TheContradiction
There's just something about that mark on her 2B's cheeks that makes then 10x more attractive. I have no idea why
Had she been thinking about doing something this the whole time they were fighting? Or maybe after Popola and Devola turned in for the night and they were left alone? It's the only explanation he had. Either way, despite her lack of proactivity, A2 was clearly ready. If she wasn't so tense that was.
Video Games · TheContradiction
Just seen them
Definitely an interesting idea that can be used as a big plot point. Not sure how much I'll play with the memory bit on the MC's side of things but I definitely see it coming to play with the androids. After all, there's a very real question to be asked about whether or not a destroyed android truly cane be considered the same person after coming back with their memories. but that's for the future. Hope you're enjoying the story so far.
NieR Automata: Life's Meaning
Video Games · TheContradiction