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1 months ago
Replied to Skull_of_Life

You read it straight away, haha.

1 months ago
Replied to Skull_of_Life

Thank you so much for your suggestions. The idea of introducing 7 Core and Light Mage, Illuminated Core, and Holy Magic is intriguing and adds a rich layer to the narrative. Creating a church of light magic that spans multiple worlds and serves as a formidable opponent to Vaporeon is a fantastic concept. The contrast between their reluctance to make sacrifices and Vaporeon's cunning would definitely create compelling tension and drama.

1 months ago
Replied to Skull_of_Life

That’s a very interesting idea! The concept of Vaporeon, formerly Mortis Noctis, discovering and being ultimately betrayed by a more powerful version of dark magic, the magic of the abyss, adds a rich layer of depth to his backstory. The inherent danger of this magic spreading uncontrollably within the body, eventually leading to his downfall, provides a compelling reason for his demise. Your suggestion of creating a seventh core, the Core of the Abyss, is fascinating. This organ would allow Vaporeon to control the potent abyssal magic while offering safety measures like self-destruction to prevent it from falling into enemy hands. The idea that this core could be passed on to descendants by blood, and the notion of spending centuries and countless lives to perfect this organ, highlights the lengths Vaporeon would go to for ultimate power. I was also considering the fusion of cores. The energy of the abyss could be integrated with other magical cores, perhaps to stabilize its volatile nature or amplify its potency. This fusion could lead to new, unforeseen abilities, giving Vaporeon an edge over his enemies. Such a complex system would indeed require mastery of ordinary dark magic before even attempting to wield the enhanced abyssal magic.

1 months ago
Replied to Skull_of_Life

As the author, I've envisioned a unique system of magic accumulation in this world involving twelve elemental cores located within different parts of the body. For dark magic, there are cores like the Shadow Core (heart), Fire Core (solar plexus), Blood Core (veins), Necromancy Core (bones), Poison Core (liver), and Chaos Core (mind). For white magic, there are cores like the Divine Core (brain), Water Core (abdomen), Earth Core (legs), Air Core (lungs), Spirit Core (soul), and Harmony Core (heart).

1 months ago
Replied to Skull_of_Life

It's uncertain whether Vaporeon will leave the castle or not. As of now, he remains within its walls, plotting his next moves. However, as the risk grows closer and the situation becomes more perilous, there is a chance he might decide to leave the castle or continue to stay hidden in its shadows. His decisions will be driven by the unfolding threats and opportunities.

1 months ago
Replied to Skull_of_Life

Thank you for your detailed and creative suggestions! You've put a lot of thought into the structure and control mechanisms that Vaporeon could implement to ensure his dominance and the loyalty of his followers. The idea of using blood spells to control his descendants is particularly intriguing, adding a layer of security and power consolidation. Incorporating special meditation techniques to create dark knights as the front line of his armies is also a compelling concept. It provides a way to have a powerful yet expendable force while reserving the most potent magic and techniques for Vaporeon himself. This could create an interesting dynamic within his ranks, with varying levels of power and loyalty. I've read Warlock of the Magus World, but it was years ago. Your reference brings back memories!

1 months ago
Replied to Skull_of_Life

Thank you for your insightful comment and for enjoying the chapters :) . Vaporeon's memories have indeed started to return, but they are still fragmented. He has vivid recollections of certain powerful spells, dark rituals, and key events, but many details remain elusive. This partial recovery of memories is what drives him to delve deeper into the shadows and continue his quest for power. The idea of Vaporeon conquering worlds and establishing a dark magic tower where he trains acolytes and dark mages is indeed a compelling vision for his future. It's a goal he might strive for as he uncovers more about his past and amasses greater power. Conquering worlds to learn more about dark magic or even creating his own world using magic could be incredibly interesting and add new layers to his journey. Considering that in his past life as Mortis Noctis, Vaporeon had acolytes, including the trusted advisor Saphira who ultimately betrayed him, do you think Vaporeon is kind enough to teach new acolytes? Or will his past experiences make him more guarded and ruthless in his quest for power?

2 months ago
Replied to Skull_of_Life

Absolutely! Vaporeon's journey is centered on attaining absolute power and mastering the dark arts to an unparalleled level.

2 months ago
Replied to Skull_of_Life

Thank you for the suggestion! The idea of Vaporeon being an ancient dark magician adds great depth, but it presents some challenges. Balancing his past with the current plot to avoid disruption, maintaining narrative consistency, and smoothly integrating his lost memories will be crucial. We could incorporate elements of him recovering fragments of his past life and lost knowledge gradually. This way, he starts weak but grows stronger as he regains his abilities and memories. Additionally, the idea of him fleeing to another realm or world could be an intriguing twist. Perhaps he originally escaped to a place like the "Forever Frozen," but eventually finds himself in another realm. Implementing this carefully can enrich the story without overwhelming the reader. A transmigrator from earth who in his past life was a dark mage ? Incorporating the idea that he was a dark mage in his past life aligns well with his current journey of rediscovering and mastering dark arts, possibly recovering fragments of his past knowledge and abilities as he progresses.

2 months ago
Replied to Skull_of_Life

Fear not, for the tides of blood and sacrifice shall indeed rise.

  • The Rise Of Vaporeon original

    The Rise Of Vaporeon


    In a realm ruled by mystical energies, Vaporeon Black, previously known as Mordred in the mortal realm, hungers for supreme authority. Once a skilled martial artist, Vaporeon's prowess in combat falls short in the enchanted world he now calls home. Fueled by an insatiable thirst for control and driven by ruthless ambition, he aims to master the darkest of sorceries. As Vaporeon delves deeper into the realm of dark magic, memories of his past life as Mortis Noctis, a powerful dark sorcerer, resurface. These memories unveil a time when Mortis Noctis held great power, only to be brought down by his own unchecked ambition and betrayal. Intent on avoiding the same fate, Vaporeon heeds the lessons from his past, using them to navigate his quest for power. Encountering treacherous foes and uncovering ancient mysteries, Vaporeon clashes with skilled light mages and cunning adversaries. His journey is fraught with fierce battles, strategic alliances, and an unwavering pursuit of supremacy. From the shadows, he endeavors to forge the Abyss Core, a crucial element in mastering the ultimate dark magic.

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