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...Ah... a challenge WOOOORRRRTHY of my skill...

2024-05-26 đã tham gia United States
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Moments 93
26 days ago
Replied to Shenlong_2005

it's not, but I will be making changes in order to prevent this.

26 days ago
Replied to XenonNoble

Knowing obscure details about it doesn't really qualify one as an enthusiast.

Kaedan listened, fascinated. This was a side of Mace Windu he had never seen, never even imagined existed. He didn't see it in the movies.

Star Wars: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Star Wars: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Movies · Eletto

26 days ago
Replied to noblej_7BPH

Yes, but Yoda could feel it.

Yoda's gaze swept the chamber, landing finally on the empty seat that had once belonged to Count Dooku. "And my own apprentice, forget him, do you? Dooku, great Jedi he was, before the darkness claimed him. Could we have prevented his fall, had we been more understanding? More compassionate?"

Star Wars: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Star Wars: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Movies · Eletto

26 days ago
Replied to IceFire2050

She was killed 6 years before Anakin became a Jedi.

"Remember Qui-Gon, do you not?" Yoda continued. "Unorthodox, he was. Challenging, always challenging. Yet a great Jedi, he became. And Yaddle? Different, she was. Yet wisdom, she possessed that rivals any in this room."

Star Wars: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Star Wars: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Movies · Eletto

26 days ago


"Superman," a gruff voice called out. Captain Maggie Sawyer stepped forward, her face a mask of professional detachment. "You're under arrest. Please come quietly."

The Boys: It Stands For Hope

The Boys: It Stands For Hope

TV · Eletto

1 months ago
Replied to Fuck_the_harems

I don't know why you're stating the obvious as if anything implies that this story is an 'injustice' Superman novel. It's not.

1 months ago
Replied to Chezebrelephaffe01

Benjamin put force into the deflection, that's why it shattered. Not because of the shield itself.

The royal executioner brought the Valyrian steel blade down with all his might. There was a resounding clang that echoed through the hall - and then a collective gasp. The sword had not only failed to penetrate the shield, but it had shattered upon impact, shards of Valyrian steel scattering across the floor.

ASOIAF: A Song of Soldier Boy

ASOIAF: A Song of Soldier Boy

TV · Eletto

1 months ago
Replied to STEVIOL_GLY

Wrong. Romance doesn't mean marriage or an official relationship.

He tucked Victoria's business card into his wallet, a potential ace up his sleeve for the future. Plus, she was kinda hot.

The Boys: Broken but Unbowed

The Boys: Broken but Unbowed

TV · Eletto