Webnovel Author: Xtremey_fun - Novel Collection



LV 1

Hello everyone, I am a writer who loves to write fantasy novels about immortality. I have been passionate about literature since I was a child. I majored in writing in college and devoted myself fully

2024-05-21 đã tham gia China

Huy hiệu 2

Moments 4


Dear Readers, In this remarkable journey, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each of you. Your support and companionship have kept this story alive—every click, every comment, serves as fuel for my progress. Without you, this story would be merely words in solitude, but with you, it becomes a world, a world we create together. I understand profoundly that as an author, without the support of readers, everything fades into insignificance. Therefore, I extend my sincerest thanks to each of you who has clicked, lingered, and felt along the way. Your love and encouragement are the driving force behind my perseverance and the most beautiful embellishment to my stories. Furthermore, I implore more readers to join our ranks. If you enjoy this tale, if it has brought you moments of joy and reflection, please do not hesitate to recommend it to your friends or share it on social networks. Your recommendations and collections are my greatest support and the crucial guarantee for this story to continue shining brightly. Let us join hands and continue writing this world, letting the chapters of the story unfold until the most beautiful conclusion. Thank you, my dear readers. With warmest regards, Xtremey_fun

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Replied to TheRace

new chapters coming!!

Sách này đã bị xóa
Replied to TheRace

OK bro,just wait a minute. lol

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