capitulazo bro🔥
ya tengo medio cap hecho w
make them bigger
[Luke, even I felt a hit to my ego seeing you like that. Honestly, I've never felt less impressive in comparison to someone. And Wednesday… from the little I've seen of her, her ego and narcissism are incredibly high. I'd even say higher than yours. Seeing your female version so flawless in appearance must have made her feel insecure and jealous, probably] Natasha explained.
TV · Nathe07
Wednesday already killed that prince long ago
"I don't care, as long as you don't make a promise to her. You'll be safe," Wednesday said in a biting tone.
TV · Nathe07
lowkey cool if ranni controls Radhann and rykard to fight with her
She heard him chuckle "Why would you get it in the way?" Before she yelped in shock when she was suddenly picked up from the rock with ease "You just need to sit back with Torrent, Melina and uncle Maliketh and watch-... well, listen to the show!"
Video Games · That_One_Dead_Ali
dark souls reference perchance?
"Searching for the whereabouts of the Poe soul weapon," Edgar replied, and Luke was stunned by the answer.
TV · Nathe07
kinda need to ask,why all the pokemons in the universe have actusl knowledge of that,like what do you expect from a caterpie to know about the gym leaders
"Eh, alright," I shrugged, "Her name's Hilda, she's not a battle focused trainer like me, or at least not fully. She's taking on the gym challenge to get her name out and make money, but her real goal is to become a producer and produce movies about pokemon like yourself, making pokemon the big stars."
Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0
so this is universe steven?
'So, this is the world of Steven Universe!' she thought.
TV · Frowfy
The trees were tall, with thin trunks and sparse foliage. The road was gloomier compared to the previous streets. If you came here at night, you could only rely on your car's headlights, as there was no electricity from this point onward.
TV · Nathe07
imagine a small country,with really strange form
First, it turned out the map was just a rough sketch, forcing him to navigate on the fly. And now this — a sudden leap in the value of what he considered junk?
Elden Ring: My Ending
Video Games · Johnny_Z