Webnovel Author: Paradoxxed - Fanfic Collection



LV 3

Weirdo author, Bored Worldbuilder, Dungeon Master, and Barkeep of Echo's Tavern and Inn.

2024-03-17 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 4

Moments 124

Replied to Gray_Wolf_SA


As Carman continued pondering wether he sould reveal he could speak English or not Ryuzu commented on his silence. "Do you understand what I am saying? Or has the language of the world changed since I was last active?"

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Video Games · Paradoxxed

Replied to ZaneHaisel

it's perfectly fine, I struggled with the same problem when I was younger, still do occasionally. I do my best to assume good intent.

Ryuzu let Carman know and asked him what he wanted to do. Having had time to calm down and rationalize himself once more, Carman decided to face Livre, and tell him he needed time to process the adoption thing as there was many things to unpack from the memoried he had just uncovered.

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Video Games · Paradoxxed

Replied to Susi_Bakir

I didn't think about that possibilty until you brought it up. now I'm going to stay up at night debating how much a part of human nature degeneracy is. Because I can 100% see an eccentric noble try only to get springlocked.


Seeing a humanoid gardemek laying on the main work table, Carman walked over to it and inspected the components he could see from the places where its armor plating had been removed.

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Video Games · Paradoxxed

Replied to ZaneHaisel

Oh? Is there any particular reason? Does it feel a bit rushed? Cause I can see that, I've been a bit liberal with time skips as of late. I know how the characters interact with one another and how their relationship and views with/on one another change over time. and I certainly don't think I've done the development between Livre and Carman's bond justice. however, the adoption is also a bit rushed from the characters' viewpoint as well having only known each other for a few months, but Livre doesn't want a noble to swoop in and take advantage of Carman being a orphan. Yes the house could have used different means to take Carman from the Orphanage, however, at that point in the timeline (at least in my story) Arlecchino/Peruere has just recently defeated "Mother" and become the Knave and leader of the House of the Hearth, so she was still consolidating her power and resources when Carman became a point of interest. Risking destabilizing her position by hastily calling on assets she didn't have full control over to bring a single child into the fold likely would be the last thing shou would do. However after Carman's talent becomes widespread there will be some interaction between the House and Carman.

Ryuzu let Carman know and asked him what he wanted to do. Having had time to calm down and rationalize himself once more, Carman decided to face Livre, and tell him he needed time to process the adoption thing as there was many things to unpack from the memoried he had just uncovered.

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Video Games · Paradoxxed

Replied to Frozen_Diablo

not yet, kinda lost track of time, but will be watching the new season with friends now that summer is here and most of us are on break.

The tip of the blade chipped and broke as it made forceful contact with the hard armor plating of a Gardemek. The Gardemek was tilting it's head down at him, the sound of a musicbox started playing once more and Andre realized that it was coming from the machine in front of him as he also heard another sound coming from the machine, the muffled, distorted, yet eerily recognizable sound of a child's laughter.

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Video Games · Paradoxxed

Replied to Frozen_Diablo

this was one of my favorite parts of the episode.


The tip of the blade chipped and broke as it made forceful contact with the hard armor plating of a Gardemek. The Gardemek was tilting it's head down at him, the sound of a musicbox started playing once more and Andre realized that it was coming from the machine in front of him as he also heard another sound coming from the machine, the muffled, distorted, yet eerily recognizable sound of a child's laughter.

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Video Games · Paradoxxed

Replied to Frozen_Diablo


The tip of the blade chipped and broke as it made forceful contact with the hard armor plating of a Gardemek. The Gardemek was tilting it's head down at him, the sound of a musicbox started playing once more and Andre realized that it was coming from the machine in front of him as he also heard another sound coming from the machine, the muffled, distorted, yet eerily recognizable sound of a child's laughter.

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer

Video Games · Paradoxxed

Replied to Dash6217

yeah, sorry, I wrote that description a while before the rest of the story and forgot to change it to be lore accurate. I intended to show that Carman had a strong will in the first chapters to explain why he had that title. There are other situations in the future that will show the strength of his will.

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