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2 days ago

Chapter 2: Como-As-Coisas-Estão-Agora. https://www.spiritfanfiction.com/historia/harry-potter-em-changed-prophecy--livro-04--26100454/capitulos/26102442

2 days ago

  • Harry Potter em Changed Prophecy & a Anomalia Fromville -- Livro 04 – original

    Harry Potter em Changed Prophecy & a Anomalia Fromville -- Livro 04 –


    Mới cập nhật

    Após seu segundo ano letivo concluído. Harry James Potter visara fugir mais uma vez do expresso de Hogwarts, dessa vez na presença de sua filha e SCP-010, Lility Anya Potter. Em meio a uma investigação de oração sinistra, ele e sua filha acabam pousando em uma anomalia macabra que mantém todos presos em um ciclo de presa e predador, um combate que já dura séculos entre humanos e criaturas. Com isso, vos convido a explorar os primeiros passos da Fundação SCP atuando no mundo ao manter toda a população segura, contida e protegida daquilo que nunca conseguiram confrontar ou explicar, desde o inexplicável sempre existiu para quebrar a mente dos fracos e intitular os gênios como loucos. Convido-vos às férias de 1992 de Harry James Potter e Lility Anya Potter, vinculados à anomalia SCP Fromville.

    2 Chs 12 sưu tầm

  • Harry Potter em Changed Prophecy & a Câmara Secreta - Livro 03 - original

    Harry Potter em Changed Prophecy & a Câmara Secreta - Livro 03 -


    Mới cập nhật

    Após as férias pós fim ano escolar, onde um bruxo colocou uma sociedade inteira em estado de alerta pela ascendência de uma relíquia antiga, e isso sem ao menos saberem do verdadeiro culpado. Tendo fim em sua liberdade e tempo privado para si mesmo, o mesmo enfim retornara ao que intitulara de sua prisão pessoal nos Dursley, em prol de se preparar para um novo ano letivo na renomada escola de magia e bruxaria Hogwarts. O que antes ele pensava estar preparado para encarar seus parentes abusivos, se torna uma vivencia completamente nova, na qual o mudara para sempre, pois de tudo que mais podiam fazer contra ele, seja abuso físico ou verbal, visaram na verdade o atacar no pior local possível, um local indefeso que nem mesmo anos treinando com mestres de alquimia e entidades sobrenaturais, o preparam para ser acertado. Será essa a mudança de um estado de espirito puro? Será uma mudança de lealdade entre luz e trevas? Ou será uma alma sendo ferida onde ninguém pode curar? Pois dessa forma vos convido a acompanhar a trajetória de todo esse declínio na vida de Harrysson James Potter Peverell Pendragon Black, o Garoto-Que-Sobreviveu. Fanfic já terminada e com continuação, chama-se “Harry Potter em Changed Prophecy & a Anomalia Fromville -- Livro 04 –"

    44 Chs 25 sưu tầm

  • Harry Potter in Changed Prophecy and Ancient Sorcery. -- Book 02 -- original

    Harry Potter in Changed Prophecy and Ancient Sorcery. -- Book 02 --

    Book&Literature HARRYPOTTER

    Mới cập nhật

    After his first school year was over. Harry James Potter has set his sights on escaping the Hogwarts express in style in an imminent hunt for the true owner of the famous relic, the Philosopher's Stone. But in the midst of a single task, several others tend to form involving his name and the responsibility it carries, thus taking a new step in the search for Potter independence. This fanfic is already finished and has been continued. It's called Changed Prophecy and the Secret Chamber. -- Book 03 --

    5 Chs 25 sưu tầm

  • Harry Potter in Changed Prophecy and the Philosopher's Stone -Book 01- original

    Harry Potter in Changed Prophecy and the Philosopher's Stone -Book 01-


    Đã hoàn thành

    Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived! After the humiliating defeat of the most feared and powerful Dark Lord of the last eras, Voldemort, or rather, he-who-must-not-be-named. Wizards all over the country ended up gathering, offering toasts and celebrations to the hero and savior of the war, Harry Potter, the child who had the enormous gift of deflecting a deadly curse directly from the Dark Lord, a feat never accomplished before. Such a gift had left the caster incapacitated or even dead. The important thing was that they were finally free from the era of darkness, free from the fear of being caught in a war between wizards and Death Eaters. Everyone joyfully celebrated and imagined that such a boy would grow up strong and healthy like a normal child. What no one knew was that far away, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore had just delivered this child to a home of pain and suffering that would mold him into someone unimaginable by his fans or guardians, thus altering the threads that weave destiny into something never seen or predictably traced. Fanfic already finished and with a continuation, it's called: “Harry Potter in Changed Prophecy. -- Book 02 --”

    26 Chs 188 sưu tầm

  • Infinite Change. original

    Infinite Change.


    Amidst the recent events against the villain Thanos, Peter Parker, or rather, his soul, was hurled through space-time after using the Infinity Gauntlet created by his mentor, embedded with the respective stones of immeasurable power for such a grand act and for the greater good, his life was used as a bargaining chip. In the midst of destroying all the malevolent forces of the mad titan, Peter Parker returned to a time where drastic changes tend to occur, making him finally reflect on everything he lost and how he now received a second chance. Follow the new journey of the most beloved and hated webhead in the universe, as he tends to surpass himself both physically and psychologically in order to defeat the future villain that is to come.

    9 Chs 109 sưu tầm

  • The Chronicles of the Wind. original

    The Chronicles of the Wind.


    With the discovery of a terrible secret, Uzumaki Naruto awakens a primordial heritage from his parents... New adventures will be embarked upon, new powers will be discovered, along with new friendships, loves, and rivalries that turn Uzumaki's life upside down. Join us on the journey of Uzumaki Naruto, heir to bloodlines lost to time, a rising shinobi under the tutelage of the Second God of Shinobi, and newly married, where he will have to stay strong to handle numerous beauties from the Hidden Leaf Village.

    7 Chs 74 sưu tầm

  • Anomalous Apocalypse. original

    Anomalous Apocalypse.


    Fighting God is a futile act, but what can we do when humanity's greatest enemy is its own creation? For those of you with families or children, please excuse me, but you need to keep going. Don't let their deaths be in vain. We still have time. Humanity can still have a future. Learn to embrace the darkness, friends. Fear the light... Fear God... For living in darkness is your only hope.

    2 Chs 1 sưu tầm

  • Naruto - The Sannin. original

    Naruto - The Sannin.


    In the first weeks of training, Uzumaki Naruto left Konohagakure no Sato with his master and Sannin, Jiraiya. The white-haired mentor realized that training his pupil in the art of Genjutsu would be pointless. He knew well the reason behind the blonde's desire to become more powerful, and despite the noble ambitions towards his renegade friend, he felt it would only delay and prevent the real evolution that an Uzumaki could achieve. Amid constant conversations and discussions, the blonde finally accepted his master's proposal, which involved training him for a year, with the Bijuu seal being reinforced each month so that the blonde could control all his primordial energy as a whole. As months passed, Uzumaki finally noticed that his energy reserves had become gigantic, similar in proportion to the nine-tailed fox's energy that he could sense. With his instructor noticing his evolution and chakra control during hours of meditation, he was finally able to focus on what was his true interest. Yes! Uzumaki Naruto was now ready to be trained in the sage arts of Mount Myobokuzan.

    9 Chs 268 sưu tầm

  • World Pandemic Z. original

    World Pandemic Z.


    At the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, Abner, a paranoid 24-year-old man, alone and without family, tends to challenge the new global survival laws. Facing Mother Nature herself and her revenge against our impure human actions. Follow this journey where, step by step, he becomes the new world leader amidst the end of the Age of Pisces with Covid-19 and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius with the Z-Virus.

    4 Chs 2 sưu tầm

  • Changing Your Destiny. original

    Changing Your Destiny.


    Battling on the front lines of the Fourth Great Ninja War, Uzumaki Naruto faces his worst enemy, the wielder of the Ten-Tails Beast, who is responsible for countless deaths on the battlefield. In what is the prophetic youth's final stand, Naruto fights against Uchiha Obito in an event that will alter the entire space-time continuum. With an imminent planetary anomaly due to the fusion of energies, Uzumaki Naruto must deal with the past consequences to bring salvation to the ninja world, or its imminent destruction.

    1 Chs 22 sưu tầm

  • The Mystic Saiyaman. original

    The Mystic Saiyaman.


    After the death of his father, Son Goku, at the hands of the enemy Android Cell. Son Gohan tends to defeat the enemy using an exceptional mastery and incredible skill in the secondary phase of a Super Saiyan, and telepathy that allowed him to be motivated by the advice of his father who was already in the spiritual world. However, unlike what was expected to happen after the enemy's defeat, this story takes place seven years later, now at the age of sixteen, Son Gohan tends to enter the first year of high school at Tokyo's most prestigious main school. Being properly prepared to enter a new stage of his life, both as Earth's most powerful protector and as the first Saiyaman to enroll as a student at such a renowned school. I invite you to follow the journey of Son Gohan, The Mystic Saiyaman.

    7 Chs 64 sưu tầm

  • Ninja Universe - Fight Powers. original

    Ninja Universe - Fight Powers.

    Anime & Comics

    In the Ninja universe of Naruto, the analysis of the characters' powers gains a new dimension with the introduction of fight scales, inspired by the Scouter system of Dragon Ball Z. This creative approach allows for a detailed comparison between the ninjas of the Naruto world and the Saiyans of Dragon Ball. Follow Uzumaki Naruto from his childhood to decisive battles, such as when he finally becomes the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village, highlighting his transformations, intensive training, and access to Kyuubi's chakra. With explanatory notes and special effects, the work provides a clear understanding of the impacts of the techniques and abilities developed by Naruto. Prepare to embark on a journey of ninja evolution, where each step is calculated and each transformation is a new level of power to be reached.

    6 Chs 5 sưu tầm

  • The Eternal Saiyan. original

    The Eternal Saiyan.


    With the emergence of a unique warrior, universal changes can occur. This warrior will tread a long path, filled with battles and confrontations, friendships and rivalries. Being highly known, admired, and feared by entities unknown to many. Creating his own story and leaving his legacy, Saiyan to neighboring universes. Ultimately, getting closer every day to his goal: To be the greatest warrior, the most powerful Saiyan, and the supreme entity ever to exist.

    1 Chs 21 sưu tầm

  • Kami Õtsutsuki. original

    Kami Õtsutsuki.


    A child of the alien royalty, known as a genius Õtsutsuki. A child of the human plebeians, known as the Nine-Tails monster. A boy with alarming powers, capable of frightening all his superiors. A boy who carries a cursed burden, capable of frightening everyone around him. An Õtsutsuki betrayed by his own people, sealed in the deepest place of the Dark Dimension. An Uzumaki beaten by his own people, locked in the coldest place of Hokage Mountain. A teenager freed from his prison after millennia, tasked with capturing a renegade of his race. A teenager freed from his prison after years, tasked with capturing a tailed beast. A warrior who saved the renegade of his race. A ninja who saved the deserter of his village. A Deity that disappeared into the Universe. A Jinchuuriki that disappeared into the Ninja World. Welcome to... The journey of Kami Õtsutsuki Naruto.

    1 Chs 12 sưu tầm

  • The Tales of Uzumaki Naruto original

    The Tales of Uzumaki Naruto


    The largest collection of romances by the Gallant Toad Sage, Icha-Icha, published in the ninja world, authored by Jiraiya and starring Uzumaki Naruto. Witness how the world reacts to the romances in the ninja world, bringing increasing fame and respect to an Uzumaki, all without his knowledge, as his focus remains solely on training and strengthening himself to one day become a Great Hokage. Follow Icha-Icha: The Tales of Uzumaki Naruto.

    1 Chs 13 sưu tầm

  • Uzumaki Revolution. original

    Uzumaki Revolution.


    A week after Uzumaki Naruto received the title of Master Jounnin of the Hidden Leaf Village, he was assigned to a reconnaissance mission to investigate an organization whose objective was to revive the Akatsuki. However, something went wrong, and Naruto was infected by a malicious energy known as Black Breath... This energy awakened Naruto's evil and negative side, causing him to lose control and attack his companions. After the entire incident, Uzumaki was judged by his friends and the village without even seeking a sensible explanation for what had infected him, simply branding him as evil and an aberration. During his trial, he was subjugated by everyone, and in a moment of rage, he vowed justice where all these traitors would pay for all the suffering they brought upon him since his childhood. With a new world order being created, I invite you to join our revolution. I invite you to the Uzumaki Revolution.

    1 Chs 17 sưu tầm

  • Interrupted Dreams. original

    Interrupted Dreams.

    Anime & Comics ANIME NARUTO ECCHI

    Two years after the well-known battle, “The Confrontation on the Moon,” Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuuga Hinata enjoyed the best moment of their lives. Starting a serious relationship after defeating an enemy and rescuing her sister who had been held hostage on the moon. Everyone envied him for having such a beautiful woman, and everyone envied her for having such a powerful man. Everyone wanted to have a relationship as good as theirs in an era where their ninja professions only aimed to grow based on their studies, which would provide them with a greater professional path. However, as not everything is roses, the couple's romance collapsed after a "possible" betrayal by the blonde. With such an accusation, he had his heart broken again, unable to believe how the trust in their relationship was so unstable, and with a last breath of hope, he directed all his emotions towards his own well-being. Various disappointments ensued, and what he most wanted at this exact moment was to forget everything and enjoy his life, because he knew that one day it would end, and he was already tired of always suffering and being judged as something bad when he always directed all his efforts towards the good of his friends, his fiancée, and his village.

    1 Chs 5 sưu tầm

  • Naruto - O Sannin. original

    Naruto - O Sannin.


    Em meio as primeiras semanas de treinamento no qual Uzumaki Naruto partira de Konohagakure no Sato junto a seu mestre e Sannin, Jiraiya. O grisalho notara que treinar seu pupilo na arte do Genjutsu não adiantaria de nada. Sabia bem o motivo do loiro querer se tornar mais poderoso e apesar de ser ambições nobres perante seu amigo renegado, ele sentira que aquilo só o atrasaria e impediria a real evolução que um Uzumaki poderia ter. Em meio a constantes conversas e discussões, o loiro enfim aceitara a proposta de seu mestre que envolvia treiná-lo por um ano, onde o selo do biju seria reforçado a cada mês de forma que o loiro conseguisse controlar toda sua energia primordial em um todo. Com o passar dos meses o Uzumaki enfim notara que suas reservas de energia se encontravam gigantescas, sendo semelhantes às proporções da raposa de nove caldas que ele pode notar tamanha energia. Com seu instrutor notando sua evolução e controle de chakra perante meditações de horas, o mesmo enfim pode focar no que era seu verdadeiro interesse. Sim! Uzumaki Naruto atualmente se encontrava apto a ser instruído as artes sábias do monte Myobokuzan.

    14 Chs 83 sưu tầm

  • Harry Potter em Changed Prophecy & a Feitiçaria Antiga. - Livro 02 - original

    Harry Potter em Changed Prophecy & a Feitiçaria Antiga. - Livro 02 -


    Đã hoàn thành

    Após seu primeiro ano letivo concluído. Harry James Potter visara fugir do expresso de Hogwarts com grande estilo em uma caça eminente ao verdadeiro dono da famosa relíquia, a Pedra Filosofal. Mas em meio a uma só tarefa, diversas outras tendem a se formar envolvendo seu nome e a responsabilidade que o mesmo carrega, trilhando assim, um novo passo em busca da independência Potter. Fanfic já terminada e com continuação, chama-se "Harry Potter em Changed Prophecy & a Câmara Secreta -Livro 03-".

    11 Chs 17 sưu tầm

  • Harry Potter em Changed Prophecy & a Pedra Filosofal - Livro 01 - original

    Harry Potter em Changed Prophecy & a Pedra Filosofal - Livro 01 -


    Đã hoàn thành

    Harry Potter, o-menino-que-sobreviveu! Após a derrota humilhante do Lorde das Trevas mais temido e poderoso das últimas eras, Voldemort, ou melhor, dizendo: aquele-que-não-deve-ser-nomeado. Os bruxos acabaram por se reunir por todo o país oferecendo brindes e celebrações ao herói e salvador da guerra, Harry Potter, tal criança que teve a enorme dádiva de ricochetear um feitiço mortal vindo diretamente do lorde das trevas, um fato nunca antes feito. Tal dádiva havia deixado o usuário incapacitado ou até morto, o importante de tudo era que enfim estavam livres da era das trevas, livres do medo de serem pegos em uma guerra entre bruxos e comensais da morte. Todos festejavam alegremente e imaginavam que tal garoto cresceria forte e saudável como uma criança normal, o que ninguém sabia era que longe dali, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore acabara de entregar tal criança a um lar de dor e sofrimento que o formularia em alguém nada imaginado por seus fás ou seus guardiões, fazendo assim as linhas que tecem o destino serem alteradas para algo nunca antes visto ou previsivelmente traçado. Fanfic já terminada e com continuação, chama-se: "Harry Potter em Changed Prophecy e a Feitiçaria Antiga. -Livro 02-".

    26 Chs 73 sưu tầm