

LV 11
2024-02-08 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 4

Moments 106
2 days ago

What about the twins? Kids #5 and #6?

The bride, The Queen Mother, once radiant in her finery, now appeared pale and hesitant, her eyes red-rimmed from crying. She clutched the bouquet of white lilies in her hand tightly, unable to stop thinking about her second child, Zedekiel, whom Kayziel had reported dead. In a span of months, she had lost her husband and two children. The third was alive but locked up in a dungeon and the fourth was sitting a few feet away, being forced to watch her Mother marry her uncle.

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu

7 days ago


Without him, access to the library would be impossible. Prince Kayziel must cherish him well. He couldn't wait to find the soul transfer book so that the Elf spirit would get a body and finally make up with his family.

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu

8 days ago

Hmmmmmmm, or it is though?????


Then again, Prince Ron recalled that he was definitely a bottom so if anyone was to give birth, it would be him and he wasn't an Elf. Nor did he have any magic. It wasn't possible. It's not like he could just rearrange and replace his internal organs to bear a child.

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu

10 days ago

Ok, Ron is definitely 100% a reincarnation of that kid. But then what happened to the kid before? Did he dle in the war between the humans and elves?

The Mother Tree suddenly recalled a memory hidden deep deep within. It was of her and small red haired elf. He was no older than 7. The boy would always sit by her trunk and tell her different stories. He had such a wild imagination and she enjoyed his company. Every evening, before he went back home, he'd hug her and say, "I love you Maelda. You're my best friend."

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu

11 days ago
Replied to EM_EM_5893

Since it’s been like 100-200 years since then

Berthiel moved even closer to Kayziel. "Uncle, the pretty boy was watering flowers in the garden when Zedy appeared out of nowhere and kissed him. Then he told the boy with a very serious face; 'I have kissed you which means you are now my responsibility. Henceforth, you are my wife! If I see you with another man, I will behead him!' Uncle, the poor boy was so scared he started to cry. Now, he always runs away when he sees Zedy..."

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu

11 days ago
Replied to King_Fearless_1377


Berthiel moved even closer to Kayziel. "Uncle, the pretty boy was watering flowers in the garden when Zedy appeared out of nowhere and kissed him. Then he told the boy with a very serious face; 'I have kissed you which means you are now my responsibility. Henceforth, you are my wife! If I see you with another man, I will behead him!' Uncle, the poor boy was so scared he started to cry. Now, he always runs away when he sees Zedy..."

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu

11 days ago

This, but with the bell: 😅


He took off his disguise and hid them well. While he freshened up, he realised that something was missing. It was a tiny silver ball he had attached to his robes while dancing. He had bought that ball during one of his escapades. It wasn't that important but it was one of his favourite trinkets. He must have lost it while running. Oh well, he still had the twin bell. Good thing he wore one tonight.

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Becoming the Elf King’s Bride (BL)

Fantasy · Zhee_Aliyu

11 days ago
Replied to EM_EM_5893

*Just not taken

"Actually, nevermind," Jael muttered. "So you're fine, for a while."

Captive Mate BL

Captive Mate BL

LGBT+ · Aryna_Stan

15 days ago


Avery smiled sheepishly, "I told you, I'm Lake's neighbor, I can help you find him."

Captive Mate BL

Captive Mate BL

LGBT+ · Aryna_Stan

15 days ago

Hmmmm, am I overthinking this? Maybe I am…..👀


Because they always seemed to be together whenever he called for them.

Captive Mate BL

Captive Mate BL

LGBT+ · Aryna_Stan