wonie99 - Profile


LV 3
2023-12-04 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 4

Moments 113


well i guess i got it wrong


''Evelyn Moon,'' the lady said her name calmly, not noticing the way the group's face blanched. 

Crashing into an Old Flame

Crashing into an Old Flame

Urban · Auroraaa


uhm daisy??

''Mr. Louis, I have been standing right outside, getting a feel of your team's professionalism all this while, and trust me when I say that, I feel rather let down. My fifteen minutes were destroyed by a bunch of lawyers who are omitting facts just to impose a crime on doctors who worked to save your life,'' the lady folded her arms in front of her chest, her narrowed eyes scanning through the whole group of lawyers, ''Ridiculous, isn't it?" 

Crashing into an Old Flame

Crashing into an Old Flame

Urban · Auroraaa

Replied to wonie99

did not see that*

"For your own information I know how sex works. My father explained everything to me two days ago plus I did some research before hand. And what's wrong with being a whipped or henpecked boyfriend? Is it necessarily a bad thing," said Qie Ranzhe his tone defensive and panicked. These six people plus Machu could count as his trusted confidants that he could confide in as they had gone through thick and thin together but this was the first time he ever divulged personal details to them.

Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

LGBT+ · Andru_9788




Diana: Shh, baby, don't tell anyone. Mama is living every reader's dream~ 

Crashing into an Old Flame

Crashing into an Old Flame

Urban · Auroraaa



The shop owner interjected, ''Oh, Sir probably forgot that he had booked this place for the whole day,'' his tone was rather happy. After all, due to being situated in this isolated area, his business was not doing well but he had gotten huge profits out of this customer who booked this place for the whole day. 

Crashing into an Old Flame

Crashing into an Old Flame

Urban · Auroraaa



Maxim cleared his throat, "Tell Angel that I have other plans for her and I am working on them."

Crashing into an Old Flame

Crashing into an Old Flame

Urban · Auroraaa



The remaining words rested at the tip of his tongue as the woman stood on her tiptoes and captured his lips with hers.

Crashing into an Old Flame

Crashing into an Old Flame

Urban · Auroraaa



''Kidnapping you,'' Maxim replied with a poker face. 

Crashing into an Old Flame

Crashing into an Old Flame

Urban · Auroraaa


he isn't that bad

"My point is, life is unpredictable. Anything can happen any time," Samuel stated. "I never thought there would come a day when I would pass on my wisdom to someone I hate but here we are—"

Unexpected Encounter: A Second Chance at Love

Unexpected Encounter: A Second Chance at Love

Urban · Sofia05



Whenever he heard his daughter use that kind of voice it was either he was going to lose a large sum of money or he was going to have to smooth over a situation his daughter started.

The Assassin's Enemy Lover

The Assassin's Enemy Lover

LGBT+ · Andru_9788



When he entered the house he stumbled upon the most shocking scene of his entire life. His friend who declared he was going to kiss Hela tonight was being pressed on the kitchen counter getting kissed by her.

The Assassin's Enemy Lover

The Assassin's Enemy Lover

LGBT+ · Andru_9788



He had seen him like this before but it was through a video call. Now that he had seen it live his heartbeat quickened and blood rushed to his head. Soon a warm liquid trickled down his nose and Zi Han exclaimed.

The Assassin's Enemy Lover

The Assassin's Enemy Lover

LGBT+ · Andru_9788



"Master, I have detected your heart rate has sharply increased and so has your body temperature. According to this medical data, you might be experiencing a panic attack or high fever. Should I administer the appropriate drug to ease your discomfort," it said. 

The Assassin's Enemy Lover

The Assassin's Enemy Lover

LGBT+ · Andru_9788



His breathing stalled and his mind became a muddled mess that he ended up saying something that he didn't intend to say in the first place. "So hot," he whispered his voice hoarse like he was suffering from dehydration.

The Assassin's Enemy Lover

The Assassin's Enemy Lover

LGBT+ · Andru_9788



"Oh, and she also called him an outsider and that this wasn't any of his business. That's what the fuss is all about.... and yeah, she called me aunt... that's her biggest offence in my opinion."

Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

LGBT+ · Andru_9788


i love her😂😂

It was then that Dai Yu hatched a devious plan. She talked the other three into placing Qie Ranzhe on the bed and stage a sweet scene that had her squirming in excitement. She had Machu place Qie Ranzhe's arm around Zhao Zhi's waist and their faces no less than a pinky finger apart. She couldn't wait to see Qie Ranzhe's reaction when he wakes up.

Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

LGBT+ · Andru_9788



Wen Qinxi wanted to struggle some more but the name Zhao Zhi had him calm down a few degrees. Sensing that he was getting through to him, Qie Ranzhe did the unthinkable. He leaned down and whispered, "This is your reality," before kissing him.

Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

LGBT+ · Andru_9788



Like a fly that accidentally ran into a windshield of a car, Wen Qinxi's face was plastered to the glass making the employees snicker.

Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

LGBT+ · Andru_9788


yes a different kind of emergency🫦😂

"Hello, is there anyone there? Its elevator maintenance. Ahem.... is there an emergency?" said a croaky voice coming from the speaker attached to the elevator panel.

Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

LGBT+ · Andru_9788

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