Webnovel Author: Mr_Myeterious - Fanfic Collection



male LV 4
2023-12-02 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 3

Moments 487


Really a Incubus

"Shit!!!!" Naruto gritted his teeth. He was trying his best to not cum. The force with which Kushina's pussy was sucking his dick made Naruto almost cum. Her inside was really hot. Her walls had tightly wrapped around his dick. These walls were slowly sucking him inside. 

Naruto : Back to the Past

Naruto : Back to the Past

Anime & Comics · Salted_dragon


He can't even perform Shadow clone without an arm

'I really hope that there is a way for me to regain my arm; otherwise, without my right arm, I won't be able to do most of my Jutsu.' Naruto wasn't too worried about getting a new arm. In his world, he had seen people who had been dead for almost a century coming back to life during the 3rd great Ninja War. If that was possible, then regenerating an arm was nothing but a simple and easy thing. 

Naruto : Back to the Past

Naruto : Back to the Past

Anime & Comics · Salted_dragon


Really, He is a Full blooded Uzumaki and a Ninja who is walking carelessly. How some one of his chakra levels could enter the village without being detected. Because I don't think Naruto would be that smart to conceal his chakra.

As Naruto walked on the street, he was so lost in his thoughts that he failed to see that some people on the street were looking at him and murmuring strange things to each other. When Naruto did notice this, he realized it was because of his half-missing right arm. 

Naruto : Back to the Past

Naruto : Back to the Past

Anime & Comics · Salted_dragon


It would be interesting if he uses golden uzumaki chain because it's awfully similar to wood style in chakra absorption things

Also, instead of relying too much on others for power, Naruto felt he should train to become as strong as he could be. 'After all, Senju Hashirama was able to become the God of Shinobi through training. However, there is no denying the fact that being a pure-blooded Senju has made his path easier. Since I am also going to become a pure-blooded Uzumaki within six months, then I would become as strong as him or even surpass him... no... I will surpass him. That's a Promise.' 

Naruto : Back to the Past

Naruto : Back to the Past

Anime & Comics · Salted_dragon

Replied to AspiringPedo

If it's that then I would too

I really loved the beginning part of the story. But the story kind of left a bad taste in the mouth after the MC decides to create a clone of himself that could stay with his woman and ....."  I don't need to say the rest. 

Naruto : Back to the Past

Naruto : Back to the Past

Anime & Comics · Salted_dragon


Then blonde

A man with black hair walked through the huge gate of Konoha. While walking, Naruto glanced at the two gate guardians. These were the same guardians back in his world as well. Seeing them, Naruto felt like he had finally returned home. He felt a sense of peace and belonging here. 

Naruto : Back to the Past

Naruto : Back to the Past

Anime & Comics · Salted_dragon


Well not complaining but at least give him the talent of Yellow Flash

『Ding! Congratulations!!!! Your bloodline has been purified. You have the very first 100% Pure blooded Uzumaki clan member.』

Naruto : Back to the Past

Naruto : Back to the Past

Anime & Comics · Salted_dragon

Replied to 6BigBoneMeat9

Sakura is a pretty good character if at the start she wasn't that...... well only in Boruto she is good

『Ding!!! The System has heard your wish to have a second chance and now the system will send you back in time to another World that is 99.9% similar to this world.』

Naruto : Back to the Past

Naruto : Back to the Past

Anime & Comics · Salted_dragon

Replied to SIJO_James

It would be of no good if Hiruzen would have died earlier because Danzo would have likely taken the seats and Kakashi would still be in Roots cause Hiruzen was the one who freed him. Naruto has been a Emotion less killer and well Itachi wouldn't have survived after that cause Danzo would have killed him

'Since birth, I lost my parents, I lost the old man Hiruzen, I lost my master, my village was destroyed and now I lost my best friend. Why do I keep losing the people and the things that I care about?' Naruto roared in his anger in immense anger and sadness. 

Naruto : Back to the Past

Naruto : Back to the Past

Anime & Comics · Salted_dragon


That would be reasonable he did pretty bad things in the past

"My friend, by walking on this dark path, the things that I have done cannot be forgiven. Now that I am back to my senses, I regret everything that I have done. I don't think I could live with all this guilt in my heart. In the end, death is just a way for me to escape." Hearing this, Naruto slowly opened his closed fists and his anger level dropped. He looked at his best friend with a helpless look. 

Naruto : Back to the Past

Naruto : Back to the Past

Anime & Comics · Salted_dragon


Tobirama- Congratulations, After Itachi you become my second favourite Uchiha


After coughing some blood, Sasuke looked at Naruto with a small smile on his face. "Naruto, with my death the cycle of hatred and suffering is going to end. This world will experience peace." 

Naruto : Back to the Past

Naruto : Back to the Past

Anime & Comics · Salted_dragon

Replied to Riger82_

Well unfortunately One we are talking about is Naruto Uzumaki The jinjuriki of the


Naruto had won the fight that lasted 3 days and 3 nights. Once they released the people who were trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi, his best friend decided to take his own life. Naruto was too late to save his best friend. 

Naruto : Back to the Past

Naruto : Back to the Past

Anime & Comics · Salted_dragon


Hey don't change pov it's quite annoying to read

She is doing an arts major at your college the Empire State University. She is also one of the campus belle, not that it matters to you much as beautiful women do surround you all the time at your university.

A Mutant Collector Quest

A Mutant Collector Quest

Movies · Avi2112


Sasuke sword can't be blocked without adding wind or lighting chakra narture

The kunai successfully stopped the sword from advancing and immediately without wasting a moment, Pakura smashed the orb in her left hand towards him.

Konoha: The Template System

Konoha: The Template System

Anime & Comics · Tobi_444


Really they didn't even stand a chance against Hasirama

Said Kazekage who was barely standing while taking deep breaths, he was forced to use one of the strongest jutsu in his arsenal.

Konoha: The Template System

Konoha: The Template System

Anime & Comics · Tobi_444

Replied to Bellethiel

He has more regrets than any other

Had Koharu and Homura similar thoughts, Unlike Danzo both understood why Hiruzen was truly hesitating about the second plan, he didn't want to put his old friend in danger.

Konoha: The Template System

Konoha: The Template System

Anime & Comics · Tobi_444

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