Human dick or animal (Dragon) dick ?
Ros obeyed like a well-trained hound, kissing the tip of his dragondick, and then tongue lolling obscenely. Viserys gripped her hair with one hand while the other guided his cock between painted lips. Her choked moan sent vibrations through him as he sheathed himself to the root, watching tears spring to her eyes.
TV · Master4thWall
As far as I know, it was proven that women really only can get aroused If they want to; men can be aroused, even If they don't want to. So, either the author did Not know that, or Cercei is a masochistic slur
As Viserys continued to dominate his mother's seductive, voluptuous body, her cries of pain turned into something else—something raw and primal. She began to cum, her body shaking uncontrollably as Viserys drove into her one last time before pulling out. He flipped her onto her back, mounting her in a brutal, animalistic position.
TV · Master4thWall
Joffrey felt a bulge in his pants.
TV · Master4thWall
Note: Crazy met the goal today too. Here's 2 chapters, enjoy!!!
TV · Master4thWall
*suncream is for everyone
The school had provided some basic supplies: two tents, matches, feminine hygiene products and sunscreen for the girls, garbage bags, and one portable toilet.
Anime & Comics · MrBlackWing
And so the situation unfolded.
Anime & Comics · MrBlackWing
„Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer“ – Some wise guy
Charles de Gaulle could barely believe his eyes after being processed, cleaned, and given a nice hot meal, as he saw the men he had fought beside in the past, currently chatting up with the German guards, and smoking cigarettes with them while talking about the ongoing state of the war as if neither were enemies, but rather friends,
War · Zentmeister
"Zz... Guys! We're under attack! Oh God, Guillermo's been shot—get here fast!"
TV · SrCuervo
"Zz... Merle! You know I can stop you from getting alcohol, right?"
TV · SrCuervo
I don't even know what to say about this Situation... there is just so much bs
"Otis, right? Is your house nearby? Do you have anything there that can help us? He needs a minor operation!"
The Walking Dead: A New Beginning From the End of the World
TV · SrCuervo