

male LV 2

Aburrido de la vida y los sueños sin cumplir, escribo para crear mundos donde perderme. Aquí, cada palabra es una chispa, y cada historia, un refugio para quienes aún sueñan con lo imposible.

2023-10-05 đã tham gia Spain
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Moments 118
17 hours ago
Replied to ILoveTonedMidriff

el que se encarga de vodafone leeyendo el historial (Enanas montando a caballo) el de vodafone ( ͡❛ ⏥ ͡❛)

His only regret was that he couldn't delete his internet browsing history on his phone before dying…

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Anime & Comics · INeedRest

17 hours ago
Replied to The_Old_One


"There's a lot of speculation around that event," Vic interjected. "Some say that 'one hour' was really just the time it took to stabilize her. Trauma Team arrived within a minute, swapped in pre-prepped cyberware, and got her back up. I mean, based on my medical experience, reviving someone who's been clinically dead for a full hour has about the same odds as a space shuttle falling out of the sky and also carrying the President of New USA."

Cyberpunk: The Relentless

Cyberpunk: The Relentless

Video Games · SrMagnus

17 hours ago
Replied to Booksage


Classic Japanese school politics.

Cyberpunk: The Relentless

Cyberpunk: The Relentless

Video Games · SrMagnus

2 days ago
Replied to Roach_mobile

It wasn't my mistake. The site where I got the chapter for translation was messed up.

2 days ago
Replied to DevilsArray

True, true! I didn't realize it. The website where I got the chapter from was a mess. Thanks for the warning!

2 days ago
Replied to The_Old_One

Hmmm, I'm sure some lunatics will join. Just think about the parties they throw. Not everyone has cyberimplants.

Come to think of it, maybe that's exactly why Maelstrom kept growing in numbers. Even if gang life was brutal, dangerous, and batshit insane, it was still better than wasting away in a factory. Maybe a lot of those recruits had seen their parents work themselves to death and decided they'd rather take their chances making a name for themselves in the underworld.

Cyberpunk: The Relentless

Cyberpunk: The Relentless

Video Games · SrMagnus

2 days ago

me parece subrealista comparar a un brujo con un ninja de elite

A system message appeared, and without hesitation, he clicked to reap many benefits from defeating such an opponent, evolving as his chakra reserves swelled alarmingly. 'This will be very useful...' Madara murmured as he began to remove the threads from his mouth, with the witcher dead, there was no longer any reason to keep these useless threads.

The Witcher – Uchiha Madara!

The Witcher – Uchiha Madara!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

2 days ago

esto es solo para seres incorporeos

He found himself pressured as more clones appeared, he quickly began to channel. "Enough playing around," he said, while quickly drawing a sign in the air. He cast the Yrden sign, creating a magical trap that glowed in a vibrant purple tone on the ground around him.

The Witcher – Uchiha Madara!

The Witcher – Uchiha Madara!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

  • Cyberpunk: The Relentless original

    Cyberpunk: The Relentless


    Mới cập nhật

    Crossing over into the world of Cyberpunk 2077 should be an opportunity to make a big splash... Wait, hold on, isn't this the year 2075? Sure, it's already November, and 2076 is just around the corner, but I only know about what happens in 2077! In this world, you might not want to live, but you can't afford to not have a job. Anyway, let's start by becoming a mercenary and picking up gigs. That sounds simple enough, but getting a job from a fixer only to face off against an ACPA (Armored Combat Personal Assist) right off the bat—aren't we going a bit overboard here? And who's this daughter of Michiko Arasaka? I've only seen the demo; I don't know these people! What kind of chaotic mission is this!? ----------------------- Original: https://www.qid ian.c om/book/1039781004/ Author: Zuo Yun ----------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own Cyberpunk 2077 or its universe. All rights belong to their respective creators. The only thing that belongs to me is the translation. If you find any errors, please leave a comment so I can correct them. Thank you!

    132 Chs 852 sưu tầm

  • The Rebirth of Harry Potter original

    The Rebirth of Harry Potter


    Mới cập nhật

    The moment Harry Potter placed the Sorting Hat on his head, the entire Great Hall fell silent. A tense second passed before the Sorting Hat suddenly screamed— "Azkaban!" Confused and startled, Harry blinked. (・ω・) What was going on? Why was the Sorting Hat shouting that? And why did Dumbledore and McGonagall look so shocked? With memories he shouldn't have and a fate that seems to be shifting in an entirely new direction, Harry realizes that this life might not follow the story he once knew. ----------- AUTHOR 洛北

    32 Chs 150 sưu tầm

  • La Leyenda del Renacer del Señor Feudal original

    La Leyenda del Renacer del Señor Feudal


    Un alma reencarnada en un mundo desconocido renace como un joven noble exiliado. Diez años después, es llamado de regreso para heredar su territorio. Ahora, frente a unas tierras desoladas, súbditos ignorantes, nobles vecinos con malas intenciones y un señor duque ambicioso, ¿cómo enfrentará todos estos desafíos? (TRADUCCIÓN AL ESPAÑOL DESDE EL CHINO ORIGINAL) (Traduciré esta novela poco a poco mientras empiezo una nueva propia por la perdida de todos mis dossiers)

    209 Chs 21 sưu tầm

  • I am just a commoner. original

    I am just a commoner.


    What kind of time travel is this? Not only am I poor and empty-handed, but I also have a useless sister. My wife even paid her way into the family? But, but she has already killed three men. What can relieve this worry? Only getting rich!!!

    75 Chs 50 sưu tầm

  • soy un plebeyo original

    soy un plebeyo


    ¿Qué clase de transmigración es esta? No solo soy pobre y sin nada, ¡también tengo una hermana que no puede hacer nada! ¿Una esposa que se casa voluntariamente en mi familia? Pero... ¡ella ya ha enterrado a tres esposos! Entonces, ¿cómo resolver las preocupaciones? ¡Solo hay una forma: hacerse rico rápidamente!

    8 Chs 1 sưu tầm

  • ¡Este juego es demasiado real!. original

    ¡Este juego es demasiado real!.


    Descripción divertida: ¡Este juego es demasiado real! ¿Por qué mientras peleo de repente mis compañeros terminan sin ropa? ¿Qué? ¿Me preguntas si este juego es serio? ¡Por supuesto que lo es! Aquí puedes trabajar cargando ladrillos, haciendo recados, recogiendo basura, entregando paquetes… Si crees que la vida laboral de 996 es dura, espera a experimentar el superintensivo 007. ¿Existe un juego más realista que este? En fin, basta de hablar, el gran Administrador me está llamando para cargar ladrillos. Por cierto, ese hombre dijo que, si sacrificamos nuestras energías, el próximo mes podrá adquirir un nuevo exoesqueleto de última generación. ¡Con eso podremos explorar nuevos mapas y recoger más basura en las vastas tierras yermas! Descripción seria: Después de despertar en un mundo postapocalíptico, Chu Guang descubre que ha desbloqueado un sistema de refugio que le permite invocar a extrañas criaturas llamadas “jugadores” desde el mundo del que proviene. Desde ese momento, todo el yermo se vuelve un lugar completamente fuera de lo común. actionromanceadventuresystemsurvivalvideogame

    52 Chs 2 sưu tầm

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