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2023-09-10 đã tham gia Global

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Moments 101

Replied to OMN1CR0N_GAMING

probably a barrier keeping that from happening like what hogwarts has

For this reason Nick began to set aside some of the blank Zanpakuto to be sold to other parts of the world. Dumbledore and Flammel were the first to get access to them outside Nick's territory and even then it was in small quantities as they still had to deal with war bands and thieves. Thievery in Nicks city was impossible as each and every Zanpakuto was documented alongside who got it. The entries and exits to the city was also monitored strictly so you couldn't just nab an item and leave. You couldn't fly or dig your way out either as both those routes were under constant monitor so any unauthorized intrusion into them below or above a certain point was spotted immediately.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro

Replied to Humbuub

I'm enjoying it so far. on 28, so I figured it was more jjk by now.

In the original reality, unfortunately, Harry didn't inherit his father's strong Transfiguration talent or his mother's extraordinary potion-making skills, only James's most useless talent for flying on brooms.

[HPxJJK] - Harry Potter and the Supremacy of Cursed Blood

[HPxJJK] - Harry Potter and the Supremacy of Cursed Blood

Anime & Comics · MaliciousPrince

Replied to akira_kurokawa23

he's talking about Draco, the Son of Narcissa

Arcturus Black III couldn't help but feel that fate was cruel to his family. Their prestigious and noble house was on the brink of extinction, with the only eligible heir to inherit the patriarchal mantle being the son of his elegant great-niece, Narcissa. To his dismay, a haughty and spoiled young boy, who dared not practice the Simplified Inherited Technique of the Black House, had the audacity to claim the noble throne of the Blacks!

[HPxJJK] - Harry Potter and the Supremacy of Cursed Blood

[HPxJJK] - Harry Potter and the Supremacy of Cursed Blood

Anime & Comics · MaliciousPrince

Replied to Not_Wearing_Pants

200wpm is about 3.3 words per second

Speed of Incantation: 200 WPM (Words Per Minute)

Harry Potter System Gamer

Harry Potter System Gamer

Movies · William777

Replied to Dracola

fantastic beasts was Newt. the xxx one is a rating of how dangerous each creature is.

He and his friends had finally had their first meeting for the Game Project the previous Sunday, in which they had worked out the Minimum Scanning Distances of most of the magical creatures using that handy XXX rating book that Professor Kettleburn had given him at the start of the school year.

Harry Potter System Gamer

Harry Potter System Gamer

Movies · William777

Replied to Loki_Hawke

except all the ways to get in are magic, magic toilets, magic phone booths, even the building itself is enchanted to make it so muggles avoid it I think

'Isn't the British Ministry of Magic located right under London? How does that work out without blowing up most of London's electrical systems?'

Harry Potter System Gamer

Harry Potter System Gamer

Movies · William777

Replied to RedShiniKaze

this one is probably just to judge their character as a person and probably get ideas for changes lol

5. Which of the following wizarding laws, in your view, stands in most urgent need of change?

Harry Potter System Gamer

Harry Potter System Gamer

Movies · William777

Replied to Silphoenix

is that really what it is? if not, you just gave me a new headcanon, lol

A figment of a thought vaguely along the lines of 'what in the name of galloping gargoyles was that?' did pass through Harry's head momentarily, but it promptly vanished as his mouth fell open.

Harry Potter System Gamer

Harry Potter System Gamer

Movies · William777

Replied to CJ_The_Ripper

technically, they don't. they leave an egg in other birds' nests that basically end up taking over that nest.

"You get paid to do this?!" Harry exclaimed breathlessly at the goblin that was operating the cart. It grinned with all its teeth and picked up the lantern to get out of the cart. Professor McGonagall followed after them and handed the key to his vault to the goblin, who then put it in the keyhole while Harry restlessly tried to fix his hair, which had come to resemble a cuckoo's nest after two horses and a sheep had defiled it.

Harry Potter System Gamer

Harry Potter System Gamer

Movies · William777

Replied to Kaiser_6117

she did also say that they will be looking into other living arrangements.

"I will be taking Mr. Potter and he shall be returning here to stay until September first. After that, you will not hear from him again. We will look into alternative arrangements for him next summer." Her voice grew even colder. "If you mistreat him I will know. If you harm him I will know. If you force him near that cupboard again, I will know."

Harry Potter System Gamer

Harry Potter System Gamer

Movies · William777


I know this is late. but they probably didn't think they needed it. probably didn't hear the shots and their teams were probably taken down so quick they didn't even know

As the six armed enemies were about to enter the R&D center, they relaxed their vigilance, and all turned their backs to the two who suddenly jumped out.

I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Movies · GeneralSIn

Replied to LastGod

it's because the way it translates that it ends up like this

"The full name of this department is called the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, but I prefer its abbreviation, S.H.I.E.L.D (S.H.I.E.L.D)!"

I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Movies · GeneralSIn

Replied to Jai_Bradley

still young. so while yes, she's strong. she can still run out of energy probably

Storm is no longer able to summon a storm to blow away the lizardmen; she can only bring down a few scattered lightning bolts from the sky to turn them into charred corpses.

Marvel : Godly Lottery System

Marvel : Godly Lottery System

Movies · Lord_Immortal_0170

Replied to JECU

I'd say more chaotic neutral than villain

As for the secret base left by Peter's father at Roosevelt Station, Zane had already instructed Skynet to destroy it at noon, copying the technology of gene grafting in the process.

Marvel : Godly Lottery System

Marvel : Godly Lottery System

Movies · Lord_Immortal_0170

Replied to Daz_Art

for whatever reason. so far, every Chinese fan fiction has always emphasized when the person is black.

As for the black boy, he was the major antagonist in "Black Panther," the current king's nephew. Having them both would make it easy to infiltrate Wakanda.

Marvel : Godly Lottery System

Marvel : Godly Lottery System

Movies · Lord_Immortal_0170

Replied to Panda_World

actually, it's 15 last I checked 😅

The only flaw was that Lorna seemed particularly frail, as if a gust of wind could blow her away. Zane's shirt hung loosely on her, two sizes too big, and the bruises from the recent beating made Zane particularly distressed.

Marvel : Godly Lottery System

Marvel : Godly Lottery System

Movies · Lord_Immortal_0170

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