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Fantasy · Nightsummer20
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Fantasy · Nightsummer20
Chunhua was so excited that she immediately checked Nikolai's personal information and when she realized that he didn't possessed the 'important' skills she was looking for, her excitement dispersed.
Fantasy · The_Sweet_Dumpling
Chunhua was so excited that she immediately checked Nikolai's personal information and when she realized that he didn't possessed the 'important' skills she was looking for, her excitement dispersed.
Fantasy · The_Sweet_Dumpling
like 12 months pregnant?!
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Fantasy · fairytail72
"Xiao Hua, are you sure you're not a fairy? Because all my eyes can see is a fairy, standing before me."
Fantasy · The_Sweet_Dumpling
Islinda walked in while nervously biting down on her lips. She was beginning to think coming here was a bad idea. But there was no going back now. She just had to be in control of her raging hormones and all would be fine.
Fantasy · Glimmy
Jelly jelly green from jelly~
"Ugh, this is getting boring," Aldric rolled his eyes upwards when he saw the way Islinda stared at Andre, enraptured with his kindliness. She doesn't even look at him that way. Always reserving that affectionate look for other males. Damn her! And no, he wasn't jealous, just pointing out her annoying trait.
Fantasy · Glimmy
Thinking that he is not husband material
"Islinda!" Valerie's voice sounded close to her and Islinda wept in relief inwardly. She didn't know how to feel about the fact he practically ignored her, only to come to her rescue when she got hurt. Nonetheless, he was here, that was all that mattered.
Fantasy · Glimmy
So they are yandere 😦
The mer, now on the ground, tried to protest, "But you guys were the ones who told me to leave Jiho!"
Taming my Husbands in Another world
Fantasy · K1ERA