
LV 4
2023-08-24 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 6

Moments 33
5 days ago

it just occur to me does the function of incarnate of [real] appear becauase tianyan the puppet are like incarnate ability and [real] absorb it that why he able to use the incarnate function if thats the case what fuction it will give if [real] absorb the first person to get affected of immortal normal miasma in the museum

It was the new ability, Incarnate, that awakened after swallowing Tianyang's remnant thoughts.

My Simulated Road to Immortality

My Simulated Road to Immortality

Eastern · Angry Squid

5 days ago


“We will ask him eventually,” Crabapple responded. “But part of the joy in research is discovering that your hypotheses were on the right track. It’s more satisfying when the answer aligns with your own reasoning,” Crabapple said as he rubbed his nonexistent beard.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

5 days ago


“We will ask him eventually,” Crabapple responded. “But part of the joy in research is discovering that your hypotheses were on the right track. It’s more satisfying when the answer aligns with your own reasoning,” Crabapple said as he rubbed his nonexistent beard.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

5 days ago

in the biningging inda- inda- in the bening- in da beningging

5 days ago

what if he give the heart cleansing mantra to the mini world where mortal live what will the outcome

At the end of the Great Plague Era, most mortals had been forcibly relocated by cultivators to various pocket dimensions and small worlds.

My Simulated Road to Immortality

My Simulated Road to Immortality

Eastern · Angry Squid

5 days ago

he also lucky because without the immortal heart mantra the more he use [real] the more he will lose himself in the passage of regression

Again, Li Fan felt the terror of [Real].

My Simulated Road to Immortality

My Simulated Road to Immortality

Eastern · Angry Squid

20 days ago
Replied to sownee

and the words that guy say awakend should rule will further go to extreme because their very emperor is an awaken himself

“They have no idea what true strength is. But We will show them precisely what it is. That, Our dear citizens, is another promise I am making to you, and another promise that will. Be. Kept!”

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

20 days ago
Replied to Areck

if he show he is awaken then it will be hard to convince the unawakend to believe in him so by showing in the surface that he is also another un awakened he can rally 97% of the un awakened human by his side

“They have no idea what true strength is. But We will show them precisely what it is. That, Our dear citizens, is another promise I am making to you, and another promise that will. Be. Kept!”

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

20 days ago

let me guess the survivor was luvinhg underground

“Aye aye, Admiral,” the flag tactical officer replied. “ETA to high equatorial orbit around Teegarden b is eleven hours.”

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

1 months ago
Replied to DaoistDistantCloud


Su Lianyuan, who had long been concealed among the soldiers, felt the power of the sword and widened his eyes slightly.

Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques

Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques

Eastern · Eat More Fish