

male LV 12
2023-08-25 đã tham gia United States
Huy hiệu 4

Moments 531
13 hours ago
Replied to SenatusTheta

But they didn't talk about that yet and he didn't have it in the dream with Utaha

"…At least we now know the area where that person is. With that information, whatever actions we take next won't be as aimless as a headless chicken."

Dual System in Daily World

Dual System in Daily World

Anime & Comics · SenatusTheta

14 hours ago

How do they know its the same person?

"…At least we now know the area where that person is. With that information, whatever actions we take next won't be as aimless as a headless chicken."

Dual System in Daily World

Dual System in Daily World

Anime & Comics · SenatusTheta

1 days ago


That was when Migel realized that I was referring to his literal Sandaconda and not whatever his confused mind had cooked up. I could feel his embarrassment, though outwardly he only chuckled awkwardly before saying that he did not mind letting me take a look at Sandy. He then released his Sandaconda and told her what I wanted to do. After getting their permission, I brought out a measuring tape and asked Sandaconda to stretch if she didn't mind. Thankfully, she did not refuse, and once she was done stretching, I began measuring her. I learned that Sandy was an impressive 17.6 meters long, and after satisfying my curiosity, I thanked them both before leaving the Gym.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

1 days ago


I naturally thanked Lukav for the Badge, and after Lukav nodded in acknowledgment, Migel, who had been standing beside Lukav, spoke up. He declared that the challenge was officially over and politely asked the spectators to leave. I had not forgotten the Sandaconda matter, so once I saw that Migel was done with the crowd, I asked him if I could take a closer look at his Sandaconda. Migel threw me a weird look that got even weirder when I elaborated and said that I just wanted to find out the length of his Sandaconda. It took me a moment to realize that my words could sound suspect/be misunderstood, and I just cleared my throat to hide a laugh before asking if he was fine with releasing his Sandaconda from its PokeBall right now or if he wanted to hand it to the PokeCenter first.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

1 days ago

I would love it if he said no but this is an akikan novel so...

Watching his confusion, Onodera blurted out her feelings, "I like you, Yuu. Be my boyfriend." 

I am that male friend in the harem story

I am that male friend in the harem story

Anime & Comics · akikan40

1 days ago

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement!

'As long as it isn't Onodera, everything is fine...' 

I am that male friend in the harem story

I am that male friend in the harem story

Anime & Comics · akikan40

2 days ago

What about giving back the stolen mega stone?

Anyway, since she agreed to join us, I brought out another ForestBall and pasted a Sceptile head sticker on the ball before I tapped her with it. She got drawn into the ForestBall and the process successfully concluded within nearly the same moment due to zero resistance on Sceptile's part. Everyone eyed the ball in my hands, and I placed it inside Utopia before asking into the open if we should just Teleport back to Brightwick City since I was already pretty satisfied with the haul from this trip. The others pretty much said yes, but before I could tell Tatsumaki to move us out of here, we all heard a few "{Stop, don't leave yet please}" shouts.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

2 days ago


Isao believed in romanticism and fun, and he felt that it would be too boring if he just accepted Toshinori's offer directly. When he accepted to become Toshinori's inheritor, it had to be moving, picturesque, and unforgettable. He had to make everyone think that he was that dawn that brought the light into the dark-like society. More importantly, it had to be natural, like how he confessed his feelings toward Mitsuki. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City

Anime & Comics · akikan40

2 days ago


He might sleep with the wife and the mother of others, yet he remained respectful and never arrogant. He also never showed off his intimate relationship with Mitsuki and kept everything under wraps, never letting her family know what kind of a relationship they shared. 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City

Anime & Comics · akikan40