Few parallel minded youths, who were individually putting their efforts to bring necessary changes around them, came across each other during a sequence of unprecedented events. Initially being ignorant about the similarity of their thoughts, they kept on observing and discovering ways for enhancing moral values. Females play a more sincere and courageous role in course of all these events, proving their actual potential and worth.
Change is possible only when you put ideal examples which people can follow, is the prime thought for writing this book.
It’s said that whatever action you do, it always reflect the fate accordingly. But What If you are facing difficult conditions around you even after doing everything in limits of humanity? It leads to huge disappointment and sometimes you can end up choosing wrong path in despair. This world runs by the laws of God and it never discriminates with anyone. In case of difficulties even after good deeds there can be only two reasons; either there was something very destructive in your destiny, which is converted into negligible pain or the nature wants to direct you in the direction where you are needed and is better than the previous one.