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2023-08-02 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 7

Moments 1456


is the guys name flinched or did he flinched

Agent Flinched hearing that and said," Sorry Director! But I am sure someone is erasing all his traces and even helping him to hide his identity unless we have known it by now".

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

Anime & Comics · Akros_Zero



He then pointed in my direction and said," I choose you".

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

Anime & Comics · Akros_Zero



Loki replied," Do not worry brother I will return to my work after banging those three milfs, as you know the new motto of my life, No Milf! No Life!", saying that he teleported.

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

Anime & Comics · Akros_Zero


in comics there was actually 7 stones but 7th was lost in the dark verse

Every God felt an enormous amount of Energy from him, if they ever have gone to Vormir they would have known that it was the energy of Soul Stone the most special of all Infinity stones, alas they haven't, they know about the tesseract, Ether, and Power Stone, but not about other Infinity stones, only the fact they are six is number is known to these Gods.

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

Anime & Comics · Akros_Zero

Replied to Deadrule_vivek

yes sorry I thought it was a different person with their in tire name I didn't think it meant liz

"You can not defeat the Red Onslaught without my help. I've prepared everything, the only thing missing was a perfect body to bond a symbiote. Eddie, Elizabeth Allan, and you, Peter. Now I got three people to help me complete my project. Dead or alive, it doesn't matter, since Symbiote can even bring back corpses to life. So, I'm going to kill you, for the sake of Earth's future, kid." Ironman declared as he pointed his palm towards Spiderman.

Spider-Man 0X

Spider-Man 0X

Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc



Loki smiled and thought in his mind,' Is this is brotherly affection, well it's the first time Thor is this Good to me, honestly, it does feel a bit weird to me, If not for the fact I am sure that Thor is straight I would have assumed he is Gay and he has other hidden feelings for me, No! No! What am I thinking?! I am sure Thor doesn't see me like that! I even feel disgusted at thinking like That! F*ck! Whatever, I should throw out such thoughts otherwise I might get trauma ', Loki quickly threw out his wild assumptions and said to Thor," Brother Let's go".

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

Anime & Comics · Akros_Zero


talking like a narcissists and a toxic feminist

Carol: I am alone enough to beat Ultron without you and your team, I don't need a help of a murderer.

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

Anime & Comics · Akros_Zero


no she's a toxic feminist

Loki: Brother it's better we leave, as of now, Avengers won't help us when they have a civil war between them and that Woman is a proud and powerful woman, she is dangerous and might harm me*Ahem* I mean us.

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

Anime & Comics · Akros_Zero


is she a character in a marval movie or is it just from the comics and cartoons I haven't seen all the movies yet like marvel and the new venom movie yet

"You can not defeat the Red Onslaught without my help. I've prepared everything, the only thing missing was a perfect body to bond a symbiote. Eddie, Elizabeth Allan, and you, Peter. Now I got three people to help me complete my project. Dead or alive, it doesn't matter, since Symbiote can even bring back corpses to life. So, I'm going to kill you, for the sake of Earth's future, kid." Ironman declared as he pointed his palm towards Spiderman.

Spider-Man 0X

Spider-Man 0X

Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc

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