No. In the cannon it was never established such a thing. In my fiction, her point of justice is different from something like SPEW.
Hermione stared wide eyed at the line and she with her large common sense could easily deduce the meaning of this. She was the heir of one of the Hogwarts' founder- Helga Hufflepuff.
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Yes. Helga's Hufflepuff connection with Hogwarts kitchen and their elves. And Hermione's sympathy and point of justice for them have no connection because fiction have always portrayed as a Ravenclaw.
Hermione stared wide eyed at the line and she with her large common sense could easily deduce the meaning of this. She was the heir of one of the Hogwarts' founder- Helga Hufflepuff.
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There are two points for this: 1. Harry already have enough power on his side and he needs political allies. 2. Also, if he really keeps magical descendant away from what they deserve, he would be doing a Dumbledore.
It is typo... It is Harry...
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This is a fanfiction for a reason... In the cannon Harry never had the guts to challenge Voldemort like this...
He had seen the memories of one of the death eaters who had survived the Battle of Hogsmeade and Voldemort had to admit that Harry was a powerful wizard… someone in the same league as him and Albus Dumbledore.
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If only you had read before reviewing, you would find this book is non harem and certainly does not keep showcasing MC's wealth.
Bro.. sorry but what are you smoking ?? This chapter is part of my otger fanfiction from midstory... it has been posted for wordcount.... This story starts at chapter 2...
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It is on my other profile and being continued. Search for Harry Potter: Return from Future. The profile name is Book_paradise.
No... Will continue. Hopefully regular update from day after tomorrow.
This is logic and common sense. Dumbledore's followers are sheep. They believe what he says.
Dumbledore's little 'secret' was followed by a stunned silence.
Legacy of Harry Potter
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