I don't think Duez fabricated this but it's hard to say for now.
What was Deuz really after?
Urban · InnocentFox
She can smell Astrid is my guess. Her role as the top student has been stolen by the stalker.
"Why do you smell?"
Fantasy · athex
It seems that the world's will wants Ezra x Astrid.
Astrid's face contorted in pure horror, resembling The Scream painting so perfectly that Ezra almost expected someone to frame her on the spot.
Fantasy · athex
You already got her beyond 69 and are at 89. Focus instead on the girls who aren't past 60 because she's not going anywhere unless he forces her to hate him.
'System, is it possible to make Midori and Youta a couple?' he asked.
Urban · hmangaiha_hmar
She had it coming for betraying my favorite princess.
Rina's eyes went wide, pain coursing through her entire being. Yet all she could do was choke on her blood; she couldn't even scream.
Fantasy · Anonymus_Nighter
Then what's with the whole knife thing? Maybe that's why the prince is ahead of her because this dumb girl is in charge of invitations.
Zia wasn't one to favor unnecessary bloodshed. This wasn't meant to be a covert mission in the first place. Her task was simply to deliver an invitation.
Fantasy · athex
I don't get why he puts so much effort to get on her good side just to mess up. He should already know she will always assume the worst so him hinting at needing a military background literally screams that he is talking about himself. No one would assume he is talking about another person. Hopefully he doesn't go back to doing what he has been doing when the damage is done just to mess up later again.
Fine, you can have it all! Just watch if I don't kill you later!
Fantasy · haytham_
Probably the same unless he doesn't care about them enough. The usual protagonist answer doesn't work in reality so unless he wants to seem naive he at least needs a better answer.
If it came down to it, what would he choose?
Fantasy · Lukas142
Rex's son definitely inherited his rizz although the age gap is definitely big. His mom definitely will not approve or will she?
Indeed I wish I was that ice cube forever stuck there and never melting.
Intergalactic conquest with an AI
Sci-fi · Shazorwy