

male LV 4

Whatever in exists without my knowledge, exists without my consent. - Judge Holden.

2023-05-17 đã tham gia United States
Huy hiệu 4

Moments 895
2 months ago

Hopefully not

Sách này đã bị xóa
2 months ago
Replied to Shashwat_Singh_0989

All i is you defending cuck behaviour. Very sus.

2 months ago
Replied to Shota_Prince

With a name like that I'm not surprised you are a degenerate.

I also commissioned barding and armor for three of my destrier stallions, both for my practice this winter and to figure out how to scale it up should I create the warhorse I am hoping for. I'd pick up all my orders next time I docked in Old Town, and begin training in the joust for my debut in the premier event of the tournament scene come spring. So I loaded up my purchases and sailed north.

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Book&Literature · JManM

2 months ago


The response to 'How Greek?' was both hilarious and heartwarming. Who knew that the only thing I needed to finally get some reader engagement was to suggest the MC bisexually wreck Oberyn's rectum.

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Book&Literature · JManM

2 months ago


My father Joer is the opposite. As the wielder of a Valyrian steel sword, he possesses an absolute advantage in aggression and such presses forward and puts up offensive pressure constantly. His preferred form of defense is the master cuts, strikes that break the line of an opponent's attack and deliver cuts with the same motion. It's risky, but the man wears three layers of armor - gambeson, chainmail, and lamellar plate - to make up for any mistakes he makes, and more importantly it keeps the family sword, Longclaw, doing what it does best.

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Book&Literature · JManM

2 months ago

Who cares? Why do your stories have to be popular, just write what you want to write.

Needless to say, my attempts to get popular succeeded moderately as my readers went from 3000 for Ultimate Krogan, to 7000 for this story, but along the way I started getting more and more down about why my stories weren't getting traction, and I damn near had a freak out when trying to think about A Warhammer Dwarf in Westeros.

In Cyberpunk With Fallout System

In Cyberpunk With Fallout System

Video Games · JManM

2 months ago


Over half of our rapid descent maintained the kind of peace and awe of the ascent, but then the missiles came into play and our rocket ship lit up like a disco display of death. The IDF came in clutch when the first smart missile slipped through our defensive fire and a side set of thrusters burst into life shooting us in a violent quick boost away from the incoming explosive.

In Cyberpunk With Fallout System

In Cyberpunk With Fallout System

Video Games · JManM

2 months ago


I let that sink in then took a big breath and stated, "Walk away now if you're too cowardly to pay the price in blood to get your hands on preem hardware. There's no place for you here, but if you believe you are special, that you have what it takes to rise up and be somebody worth remembering… this is your shot. Immortality. Take it, it's yours."

In Cyberpunk With Fallout System

In Cyberpunk With Fallout System

Video Games · JManM

2 months ago

I wouldn't try to hit it if I were you.

The familiar face of Claire Russell worked behind the counter, but much of her focus was taken up with a grease monkey with a scar through his eyebrow. She did eventually make her way over to us.

In Cyberpunk With Fallout System

In Cyberpunk With Fallout System

Video Games · JManM

2 months ago

Do what the Cartels have done in real life and just take over the news station.

"I can't believe this is happening." I muttered in horror as once again the news media robbed me of my legendary credentials, "It's like a cosmic conspiracy to keep me down. A cruel stroke of Fate's pen, inking out my destiny of obscurity."

In Cyberpunk With Fallout System

In Cyberpunk With Fallout System

Video Games · JManM