

LV 14
2023-04-28 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 8

Moments 586
21 hours ago

MC seems the kind of guy who wouldn't appreciate living in the computer age again in his lifetime. He'd probably see it as the first step towards many of the issues of today. Stalling makes sense. Putting it out there already probably sped up computer advancement by a decade or two

1 days ago

Seems like a smear campaign has begun. It would be pretty apt for the time period. he's growing too powerful, so the French/British/Marxists/Russian noblemen/Austrian generals have to slander his character. It'd also make it more difficult to establish favourable connections to royalty if it sticks. He's lucky he got to make a first impression on most of the important ones first. Wonder who she heard he'd been with?

2 days ago

It would have been more merciful to shoot him lol

Bruno did not even need to send a single word to these men, and they would make this foolish young Duke's life a living hell throughout his service. To the point where he chose to end it all via suicide not six months after being sent to the Army. 

Re: Blood and Iron

Re: Blood and Iron

War · Zentmeister

2 days ago

People have speculated on the hazards of smoking since the late 1700s at least. there are always advocacy groups, of course. depending on how sceptical people are, cocaine, Tobacco, amphetamines. People would still see the detrimental effects such things have and dislike what they do to their loved ones. Alcohol was prescribed quite frequently by doctors, yet the prohibitionists gained a lot of support for a reason. Nobody liked the broken state of their families from substance use. I think Germany even used some stimulant during a war before ww1, which resulted in addiction issues on the home front later...

Heidi commented on the city as Bruno pulled out a pack of cigarettes, engaging in his filthy habit while Heidi ignored it entirely. Surely if she knew of the health risks associated with smoking, the woman would demand he stop. But because it would be many years before such a discovery was made, let alone became public knowledge, she simply treated it as if it were a normal thing. 

Re: Blood and Iron

Re: Blood and Iron

War · Zentmeister

3 days ago

I like the unreliable narrator thing you have going on for Bruno and also for Heidi. It's a bit funny how others see him like his children compared to the children of the emperors. Like Tsar's children will be very curious what It is like to live with such an intimidating and cold man, Bruno's daughters will be like, "Are they talking about Heidi? Man?"

3 days ago
Replied to Krulsch

She'll be extra harsh on her children now that they'll have servants. Having seen what most of her or Bruno's siblings were like, I can't even blame her.

3 days ago
Replied to Krackers

His days of drinking the cheapest beer in Prussia are over.

3 days ago

Damn that's got to be awkward

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Re: Blood and Iron

Re: Blood and Iron

War · Zentmeister

3 days ago


"You're back… And yet you didn't write me a single letter while you were away!" 

Re: Blood and Iron

Re: Blood and Iron

War · Zentmeister

4 days ago

Unless they have some spies that can send letters abroad among the high nobility. Like the wife of some Prince or the like. If she mentioned she heard it from him, that's valuable Info. I think MC underestimates the espionage the high nobility play. many are loyal to their birth country or family at home first.

Eventually Bruno began speaking about the preparations he had begun making for the upcoming Great War. After all, who would believe such fanciful tales from the mouth of a teenage girl? In the end, the girl couldn't help but make a remark, which caused Bruno to smile in her presence for perhaps the first time since she was old enough to remember their encounters. 

Re: Blood and Iron

Re: Blood and Iron

War · Zentmeister