Demotrauma - Profile



LV 14

Possibly two corgis on top of one another in a trench coat

2023-04-27 đã tham gia Canada

Huy hiệu 8

Moments 5


Northern POV to see the impact prussians having there with trade

If you want there to be a chapter tomorrow, the condition is simple, twenty comments on what you would like to see or what you liked or disliked about the story (each person has one valid comment, multiple comments will only be counted as one).or reach the 700 power stones

Blood And Iron (ASOIAF/GoT)

Blood And Iron (ASOIAF/GoT)

TV · Chill_ean_GUY


The Prussians (some of them) have these supernatural abilities/power gifted by god. I think it’d be interesting to see a completely devout and converted Westerosi get a taste of these ‘divine’ abilities/blessings. Thanks for the great story!

if you want there to be a chapter tomorrow, the condition is simple, twenty comments on what you would like to see or what you liked or disliked about the story (each person has one valid comment, multiple comments will only be counted as one).

Blood And Iron (ASOIAF/GoT)

Blood And Iron (ASOIAF/GoT)

TV · Chill_ean_GUY



"Yes, mother," Andromeda in a churlish tone huffed under her breath. Whenever her mother spoke to her in such a manner, she always felt very much like a naughty child who had misbehaved.

A Bend in Time

A Bend in Time

Book&Literature · EsliEsma

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