Webnovel Author: Jett_Gray_8151 - Fanfic Collection



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2023-03-13 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 4

Moments 177

Replied to Karma356

No, she was a lady before she died. She died in a hailstorm on a mountain. She was just tall.

I took the last rank of Toughness and Adamantium Skeleton I was no longer affected by the downside of Small Frame. Well, I'm still short but I didn't mind. 5ft 4in is okay. I sometimes miss being 6 ft 2in but I'll take the extra point in agility.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to Arcguile_Renzig

Latin word for Empty

Elite Stealth Riot Gear Inanis: DT36 Seank +10, Guns +10, Charisma +1, Critical Chance +5 (All systems are offline. Armor Master is currently unable to work with this unfinished armor. AI required to gain full functionality from the Armor) Weight 12

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to HarkenEliwood


[10 point Agility Perk]: Matrix Reflex. Time slows for the individual as they enter combat. Individual gains 25% chance to dodge incoming projectiles. While wielding a sword, the individual also gains a 30% chance to reflect the projectiles back to the attacker.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to PartyCannonPirate

It's my own, it's a small reference to an old radio play Adventures in Odyssey. In that, John Avery Whittaker was an old timy inventor who ran an icecream shop.

Doctor Jonh Whittaker was the head of cryo research. He had mostly gotten into the field to try to save his daughter Emily Whittaker. She had a deadly disease that the Sicentis of Big MT had no way of currently curing. The US military was interested in weaponizing cryo technology. Vault-Tec was interested in the cryo pods for their own reasons. Doctor John Whittaker froze his daughter until he or one of his Mister Oderly could find a cure. There was an error report that showed the cause of Emily's death. A power outage six days ago. I poked around and found Doctor Whittaker's skeleton holding a grenade rifle named: Let It Freeze. And a holotape that had the schematics of 40MM Cryo Grenades. I constructed a red teleporter and went back to the SINK. I got two body bags from the SINK and went back to grab both bodies and give them a proper barrel. 

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to HarkenEliwood



I looked into the water's reflection. Unlike the magic mirrors I fought, it only showed what was truly there. Darkness had clung to my hands and feet. My hair had started to take on silver strands. My left eye had started to gain golden flakes in the iris. My outfit once nice and whole, now had holes and tears in some places barely clinging to my body. I thought being changed by darkness would hurt. But it didn't. It felt like my body was floating in the water. If I didn't keep my eyes open I would sink and drown in the dark depths of this place.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to CheesyPotatoes

Not really she knows what are the parts she needs for each unlock. For a few of them she has locations for the parts she needs.

I carefully scaled my way down the creator. Until I found what looked to be a metal ball. It was a heavily damaged Apture Science Personality Core. Well, that's what my PipBoy labeled it when I picked it up.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to Benny_gold

Wheatley... Not really. At most, he has data on the living cubes and the spike plates. I doubt Wheatley has anything more than visual data on the rest of AS equipment.

 After that sticky jumped my way to the Construction Site. The robots there were alot easier to deal with. I retrieved an upgrade module for the Sink in the SINK. I then used the Eureka Effect to travel back to X-13. From there I went to Z-38 Lightwave Dynamics Research. Inside I found the recipe for the Energy Weapon Skill book. Two hard light holograms. A photo of Veria Keys. And 8 throwing proton axes. Outside in a dumpster, there were 8 plasma grenades and two more throwing axes. I decided to use the hard light holograms for a few experiments.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151


Okay I forgot the challenge: [Cardiac Arrest!]: Get the stealth suit Mk II in the X-13 research facility. I'll just add 1000EXP and call it good.

Okay, time to roll out of bed. I had breakfast and took a quick shower. I got dressed in the Medic's outfit. Before Armor Master, it gives a DT of 5, +10 to Medicine, and +10 to Melee. After Armor Master, it'd 10 DT 20 Medicine/Melee. I then took the green teleporter to X-8. Then the blue teleporter to X-13. I then remembered that I had to put together Stealth Suit MK II. That took an hour to do. Most of the work was putting together the connecting ports. I decided to set up my sentry guns on the first floor to deal with all the Robots Doctor Mobius would set on me when I got done with the first test to upgrade the Stealth Suit MK II. I picked up the sneak skill book and made my way down to the testing area. I saw that there was an area blocked off by force fields. I use a chemistry set to make Stimpaks. And lock pick a 75 skill lock, To get into a very damaged holo deck to grab a Protonic Inversal Axe that was smashed into the main control terminal.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to CheesyPotatoes

But then you would miss out on possible EXP! She is not getting any EXP from killing things.

We made our way to the REPCONN Headquarters. I went on the tour Rual elected to stay outside the building. I was able to complete both challenges pick 3 safes grab a copy of the Big Book of Science, a copy of Nikola Tesla and You, and 5 Blue Star Bottle Caps. I wasn't able to get the Q-35 Matter Modulator. It was locked behind a very hard lock and I didn't have 100 lock pick or science yet so I chose to wait to deal with that later. I left REPCONN HQ to head to the Atomic Wrangler for the night. As soon as I left REPCONN HQ I Leveled Up because you can only level when you are considered safe.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to CheesyPotatoes

The rest of them are dead. Only Nate or Nora are left alive in Vault 111 after Kelloge leaves.

 After I get the part for Vault 3 and deliver it I'm going to have to leave Los Vages for a bit. I'll head to the BIG MT. After dealing with that place depending on how long that takes I might go to the Commonwealth See if I can break Nora or Nate out early. The issue is getting there. That is 2740 miles to travel by foot. I'll need some sort of transport. A car is out fule and roads makes that a no-go. I might be able to get the Think Tank to build a plane to get there. I need to be back in Vegas by October of 2281. We will see.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to Strongest_Bongo



 I decided to check out the Mini RV Camper after I got done crafting. I was able to make Snack Attack, Cloak and Dagger, Dead Ringer, and Sharp Dresser.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151


Charisma 10


I felt as my body changed. My hips widen, my boobs swell, my muscles tear themself apart and reform. I almost passed out from the pain. After an hour my body stopped feeling like it was being smashed by a Deathclaw with a grudge. I look over myself and moved away from the bed. I saw what looked to be millions of dead skin cells that had flaked off and what looked to be some dark oily liquid that stank to the high havens left behind on the bed sheets. I quickly stripped the bed sheets and threw them out on the balcony. I then ran to take another shower. It took 3 hours for me to feel clean. I looked over my body to see the changes. My breasts had gone from B-cups to C-cups. My skin had taken on a healthier appearance. My hips and backside were bigger. And my dick had looked to grow an inch and a half. I had felt unbalanced for a few minutes. I had to get used to my new proportions. I finally got dressed in the sniper outfit. I love the fact outfits auto-fit any body type.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to HarkenEliwood

... H33H33H33

[ArsenicCatnip]{Has been terminated} {Escape Plan wasn't bought} {Sending out new Invite} {New User will Join in 3 days}

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151



"Damit! We made it so far just to die because we were late getting here. I guess I really don't have any other choice." Bell drew out the summon card he had gotten from gotcha weeks ago. "Here goes nothing!" The card glowed and then shattered like glass. Bell felt something burn into the back of his right hand. In a bright flash of light, a dark-skinned girl with pinkish-gray long hair appeared. She looked to be around 16. She wears a red and black outfit that reminds Bell of what an Amazoness might wear. Well to be honest it was a little too conservative for an Amazoness. They wouldn't have their arms covered. The girl was duel welding black and white falchions.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to Daoistz861E7

They are both counted as medium armor so it works.

I picked Iteam Fusion. I want to get the stealth suit MK II and the Elite riot gear fuss them together. I had delayed long enough. I made my way to Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters. Standing at the entrance was a man in Reinforced leather armor holding a custom laser pistol.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

Replied to Daoistz861E7

Yes, she got killed by Cazadors a little under an hour of selling her Fat Man.

I left to go to the Wranglers for the night. In the morning I sold all the weapons and other junk I wasn't interested in hauling on my person for 14596 caps. I no longer needed that Fat Man. Well, I was about to deal with Cazadors… Nah a level 3 Sentry and a shotgun with 15 seconds of nonstop crits should be enough to handle some flying bugs of death… One death later I didn't sell the Fat Man. Once I dealt with the bug that shall not be named and getting it's eggs I found a dead super Supermutant. That had 4 C4 and a Fat Man… I used to fix up my Fat Man and made my way back to sell it and the C4 at the Gun Runners. On the way back I looted Brewer's Beer Bootlegging. I came away with two star caps, a Gauss rifle, and a Big Book of Science.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151

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