The flow and pace of the story is good. Very well written! I want to see more so I've added it to my collection. I didn't found any errors in the grammar or typos as far I've noticed. Overall this is a good read.
First chapter: The start fabulous, the change of scene made me think the draw elf is the demon from the first scene reincarnated continuing the cycle of fighting the goods. The personal problems the "mc" has are on point a adopted child, with a racist brother, for the first chapter this is good.
Smartest person I've ever seen in medieval fantasy books or games.
"Those do not matter nor the blood of my son. It is by the bonds we share which is important that what makes us family."
Fantasy · mattfuncool
Good. Kind of a cliche, but works.
"I… I don't know…. I had a weird dream or… some nightmare about a field with bodies and people talking."
Fantasy · mattfuncool
"Brother! Don't you call him that, he is not one of us or even our brother?"
Fantasy · mattfuncool
I don't know if this kids is the mc or not. But this kid feels something is wrong, makes me feal more intrigued on the first part of the chapter.
"I… I don't know…. I had a weird dream or… some nightmare about a field with bodies and people talking."
Fantasy · mattfuncool
The idea of the story is fun, the book is easy on the eyes and the world the mc lives feels cool. The more you read the more you're gonna feel you want to read more. Updates seem to be on point. I want to see what's next.
poor man Trigor... My man surely has P.T.S.D
I like the story and the characters. I like how the author placed the scenes and how it makes me wanna be living in the book myself.
o the sentence should be "Thorkell, come, hurry, we got to get to the docks"?
My eternal hate for the Gods
Fantasy · mattfuncool