

LV 4

Buenas nuevas a todos. My usuario se llama Melody Charlotte. Por cuestiones de privacidad mantendré mi verdadero nombre en anonimato. Gracias por entender.

2023-02-08 đã tham gia Mexico
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Huy hiệu 6

Moments 180
1 months ago

. . . . Who’s gonna tell them?


It was as if they had finally seen the light of dawn after struggling in the darkness for a long time. Now that the temperature had recovered, did it mean that their lives would soon return to how they were before the apocalypse?

I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

General · Struggle

1 months ago


Du Yue only glanced at the two of them before looking away. She and He Xing got into their respective cars and drove away. Wu Di stood rooted to the ground, staring blankly at the back of the car that was gradually driving away. He had mixed feelings in his heart. On the side, Zhang Zepeng saw him like this and could not help but sneer, "Still thinking about her? Don't even think about it. You two aren't from the same world. Look at the two of them standing together. They're a perfect match. What if the two of you were standing together instead? It'll be like a toad lusting after a swan. I advise you to live your own life and stop asking for trouble."

I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

General · Struggle

1 months ago


He Xing caressed Du Yue's hair, his heart aching. "Perhaps I didn't fall from the galaxy to this place in your previous life. The heavens gave you a chance to start over and arranged for me to come to your side by accident. Perhaps it was for me to protect you and let you live a stable and happy life!"

I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

General · Struggle

1 months ago

I feel like Zuo is like the uncle or the dad that he’s always in a good protective mood of the family until the family fs up and he goes into “business mode.”

Upon hearing this, Zuo Mingdong's face sank, "I've told you before, right? The wild boars most likely find the fruits by smell. This is your first time acting alone, yet you've made such a brainless mistake! You're lucky this time that we came in time. What about next time? Who will save you then? If we had come five minutes later, you would have become pig food!" The more Zuo Mingdong spoke, the more serious his tone became. He was obviously very angry.

I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

General · Struggle

1 months ago

Oh oh.


The fruits were buried deep in the snow, but wild boars could still find them. Now that they had dug the fruits out and even plucked some off, would the smell be even stronger than before?

I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

General · Struggle

1 months ago

Yeah I don’t think so girl. He probably either knows something or wants something from you. Either way be careful.


She had just reached the first floor. How could it be such a coincidence that he pushed the door open and came out at this time?

I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

General · Struggle

1 months ago


He Xing shook his head with a straight face. "No, you have good taste. You'll never make a mistake in the things you choose. Besides, it's the happiest thing for me to be able to eat with you every day, so I'll like them no matter what kind of table and chairs you choose."

I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

I'm Hoarding for the Apocalypse

General · Struggle

2 months ago

Same here my friend. Same here.


Tang Mingchu did not have a single cent and wished he could hide in a hole.

I Have a Shop of Infinite Resources

I Have a Shop of Infinite Resources

General · Qiao Zhiyi

2 months ago



This high sexual tension is no good for my heart, ugh.

Reincarnated into a Hell Hound - BL/Yaoi

Reincarnated into a Hell Hound - BL/Yaoi

LGBT+ · VCris

2 months ago


"Brother!! Where are you?!! I don't want to play with the horsies anymore!!! They are meanys!!"

Reincarnated into a Hell Hound - BL/Yaoi

Reincarnated into a Hell Hound - BL/Yaoi

LGBT+ · VCris

  • La Súcubo de La Avaricia original

    La Súcubo de La Avaricia


    (Voy a ir cambiando la descripción conforme vaya avanzando la historia) Vol. 1: Renacimiento Cihuacoatl era una chica de origen humilde que nació con una belleza sobrenatural que atraía hombres y mujeres por igual. Sin desearlo, acabó teniendo un harem en su primera vida y tuvo una muerte cliché y prematura a sus 29 años. Pero lo siguiente que sabe, es que ella había vuelto a nacer, volviéndose una súcubo bendecida con la protección divina de Dios Mexica quien le dió un sistema y unas marcas curiosas. Ojos rosas extraños que destacaban demasiado y resaltaban su belleza de súcubo. Sin embargo, eso causó que la mayoría de la familia Stefania, junto a muchos de la servidumbre, la dejaran de lado. Pronto se ve en vuelta en una red de manipulación y decepción por parte de su madre, la archiduquesa Incoementia, quien rápidamente la compromete y planea casar a su hija a sus 16 años. Lilith no se quedará de brazos cruzados y planeará un plan de escapar. Pero, ¿a qué costo? Vol. 2: El Gran Escape. Lilith ha logrado a escapar, con los regalos y artefactos que estuvo recolectando durante años, incluyendo su propio sirviente personal y un wyvern llamada Princesa. Huyendo de la ley controlada por su padre y de demonios queriendo tenerla en la cama, se dispone a trabajar en cubierto y ahorrar dinero para ir en círculo en círculo hacia arriba hasta llegar al mundo humano. Pero las cosas no saldrán como ella piensa, pues es vigilada y seguida por su hermano Merlin quien la quiere de vuelta al igual que los gemelos Brian y Briccio, anhelando el regreso de su hermana se disponen a esperar que los escuadrones traigan a Lilith de regreso. Aparte que descubrió que está en cinta y deben ir a un círculo en específico para dar a luz sin que algún escuadrón sospeche o la descubran. Merlin por su parte, tiene la horrible tarea de perfeccionar la habilidad “Análisis” con la cual Lilith descubrió su verdadera identidad y con enorme temor, Merlin se dispone a perfeccionarlo para luego averiguar quién es hijo bastardo y quién no. ¿Podrá aguantar el peso que lleva en sus hombros y ver cómo la familia Stefanía se desmorona en sus hombros? ¿O se verá obligado a mentir y engañar para que la familia pueda vivir en paz por lo menos hasta que puedan traer a Lilith de regreso? Contenido: - Harem Inverso y mixto - Seducción. - Amor no correspondido. - Adicción al sexo. - Pedofilia - Síndrome de Hubris (Adicción al poder / Sed descontrolada de poder). - Familia Disfuncional. - Venganza. - Datos Psicológicos.

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