
LV 4
2023-02-03 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 4

Moments 23
5 months ago

So the pirates have a invisible ship or is it so fast nobody saw it comming? Sneakattacks on see are so unbelivable. Not to mention they were just training and running besides the ship and their quarrel lasted about a minute or two tops. So sensei should have known that something is up.

6 months ago
Replied to Alsiel_A

But why would he know what is the same and what is not. It makes no sense.

"Well professor, let's say that I called you out here to free an innocent man.", Harry replied coolly. Dumbledore was quite taken aback at Harry's demeanor. 

Otherworldly Interference

Otherworldly Interference

Book&Literature · Alsiel_A

6 months ago

The writing quality could not be worse if typed blindley on a phone. I would not say anything if some errors are made but this looks almost intentional. If you dont trust my words just read the first two chapters. If you dont want to scream by then maybe the story can be something for you.

6 months ago

Aaaannnd i‘m out. Mc‘s growth was way to fast. Brainpowers way to op. Unlikeable mc. The AI does not fit in hp and was created way to fast. Overall his powers are all over the place. This last chapter… idk man what were you thinking? Its just stupid. Why would dumbles let him go after he deleted all memorys of him?

6 months ago

The storry is so stupid an full of plot holes. It realy hurts to read this. First the mc punches ron in the face but they are still friends. (To hug on to the plot) Ok i lived with that. But now telling voldi he knows who he is is so stupid. The consequence would be that he now takes his horcruxes and hides them elsewere. (Gaunt ring) (but i think it will not matter and the storry just goes on like the plot with minor changes) And what happend in the dada exame? Did he (quirrel) just go back to school even when he knows mc could just tell dumbles? Did quirrel just test him and let him go? Then the hole fight in the last chapter was realy bad. Mc has time to pet the unichorn and mount it and voldi just waits. Realy?! Ther is so mutch more that has triggerd me like building a broom just like that. And ah yeah it flys over mach 1. nearly 10 times faster than a nimbus 2000. its just bonkers. 500km/h would have been world changeing. And mutch more that i forgott. Mc is way to overpowerd in an absurd way. Sorry for the rant. But every new chap. triggerd me more and more. 🧨💥

10 months ago

Is it dropped like so many other overlord fic‘s?

10 months ago

So the troll incident at halloween didn‘t happen at all? Is a explanation comming as to why?

10 months ago

Did he free dobby?

10 months ago

It‘s a chinese translation allright! Not the worst translation but not great either. Awkward converations and chapters as a whole. I‘m honest i quit at the sorting ceremony. The idea of the story is intriguing but the chinese master vibe is everywhere. Not my cup of tea. Every chapter was torture and the name of the mc is stupid. All the other 5star reviews ar bots. This is no 5star story.

12 months ago

I like the story so far. Can you increase the release rate please? The story is just so slow.

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