Webnovel Author: Fourth_Reich - Fanfic Collection



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2022-12-20 đã tham gia Global

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Replied to Cosmic_Horror

Did you mean my Nero fic? I was still stuck on what to write for the ending.

Of course, it's just an assumption as I didn't pay too much attention to Sona, nor am I really into short-haired girls. The ones I really like in DXD are Serafall and Gabriel. For the rest? Yeah, I don't have that much interest. Ophis is probably in my ranking of girls too. They're the best girls. Of course, my most favorite is still Nero Claudius compared to the rest, even to the point I wrote the story solely for her and the longest one I ever wrote on Webnovel.

Ravel Phenex, The Gamer

Ravel Phenex, The Gamer

Anime & Comics · Fourth_Reich

Replied to ranaltor

Chinese Cultivation Story, Battle Through the Heavens

[Reward: +200,000 EXP, Heavenly Flame (BTTH), Fire God Slayer Magic (Fairy Tail), Senzu Beans (100)]

Ravel Phenex, The Gamer

Ravel Phenex, The Gamer

Anime & Comics · Fourth_Reich

Replied to KosmosX

If I'm not explaining this, there would be endless complaints coming in comments. Well, let me explain. Let's talk about MC's intelligence in the early chapters. She basically defeats Agrippina when Agrippina controls the court of Rome and legions owned by her father. Now, she owns nothing as MC makes them refuse to even contact Agrippina. She did that which Nero in the canon didn't and formed an alliance with Alaya in the form of a church, making Crimson Moon dance to her tune. She managed to get away from Type-Moon without being harmed, even getting the Red Dragon's heart in process. Do you know who Crimson Moon was? She could basically destroy stars and planets, if not for her being underestimated by Zelretch, she wouldn't have fallen that low. Even her modern-day followers still want to give her a perfect resurrection, and Nero controls Rome in her hand solely in military form and voice, where Nero in the canon couldn't do. You forgot her achievements just because of her momentary mistake in one move, and you say she was being played by Agrippina? She wasn't being played; your reading comprehension is just too low to understand a genius. She was the one playing Agrippina and using Britannicus' death to purge all traitors, senates, or anyone with a different voice than her, blaming all of Britannicus' death on Agrippina while failing to blame it on Nero. Tell me, did I say anything wrong? If yes, please provide evidence of where I went wrong in my statement. As for your argument about MC being played by Agrippina, care to tell me where exactly she was being played? Are you referring to Britannicus' death? MC already played her reverse UNO card in that part. Or are you talking about Claudia? Whether she betrayed Nero or not, it has no impact, so please tell me, my friend, where the part of her being played?

Replied to P_J_Sch

She is in chapter 23 and 24.

Crimson Moon nodded and took the offer; after all, since this woman said she was hers, then she was willing to play nice with her, not overbearing like previously. 

Rise of Roman Empire: Nero Claudius (Fate)

Rise of Roman Empire: Nero Claudius (Fate)

Anime & Comics · Fourth_Reich

Replied to Fourth_Reich

And he destroyed one by one the senates who betrayed Caesar (Augustus' adopted father). Yeah, I was typing too fast and forgot to add this.

Crimson Moon nodded and took the offer; after all, since this woman said she was hers, then she was willing to play nice with her, not overbearing like previously. 

Rise of Roman Empire: Nero Claudius (Fate)

Rise of Roman Empire: Nero Claudius (Fate)

Anime & Comics · Fourth_Reich

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