Webnovel Author: edgy_incel - Fanfic Collection



male LV 3
2022-12-14 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 4

Moments 39

Replied to Cyber_Tom67

I did, you're just the one who's drunk or too lazy to read it

Blaidd raised an eyebrow. "They're reasonable, right?" he asked. "Unlike the other seventy percent of Nordlings?"

The Witcher: A Werewolf's Journey

The Witcher: A Werewolf's Journey

Video Games · edgy_incel

Replied to Immortuos

yep, sorry

Replied to LuluViBritania

ahem fantastic beast

Dumbledore smiled again as he approached me and patted my shoulder. He then whispered. "On the seventh floor, you'll discover something with which it can cater to your needs, whether it's for your education or for other reasons."

Harry Potter: Legacy Keeper

Harry Potter: Legacy Keeper

Movies · edgy_incel



Duncan could see a gigantic figure standing in between fallen swamp trees through the window as the now-wrecked boat sank to the murky water below; its body had practically blocked the setting sun from the west, casting shadows around the beast.

Marvel: The Social Link System

Marvel: The Social Link System

Movies · edgy_incel

Replied to Myrddin_duw

i mean, I'm still an incel, so half right

"Peter, that's not how we taught you." Uncle Ben said. "I know you've suffered, but fighting back is going to only give you trouble. Boys like him are not worth your time; just ignore him; outclass him in other areas; fighting is not the solution."

Marvel: The Social Link System

Marvel: The Social Link System

Movies · edgy_incel

Replied to RookofBlack

if you think this is unlikable, then you probably don't know uncle ben or has parent issues, or a teenager, or all of the above

"Peter, that's not how we taught you." Uncle Ben said. "I know you've suffered, but fighting back is going to only give you trouble. Boys like him are not worth your time; just ignore him; outclass him in other areas; fighting is not the solution."

Marvel: The Social Link System

Marvel: The Social Link System

Movies · edgy_incel

Replied to Spelloyal

just look at the avatar of death marvel wiki

Before, he felt compelled to avoid her at all costs. But now? Something inside him felt a sense of familiarity when he saw the girl's face. It wasn't a romantic feeling, but rather one of brotherhood and camaraderie.

Marvel: The Social Link System

Marvel: The Social Link System

Movies · edgy_incel

Replied to BookDragonling

idk if i should laugh at you or pity you

He grew irritated with Philemon while thinking about him. He remembered that he had promised to provide him with a 'guide' in this world, but nothing had appeared so far. He didn't grant him any skills, abilities, or anything else. So all he can do now is observe, avoid detection by individuals he doesn't want to be enemies with, and 'act' normal.

Marvel: The Social Link System

Marvel: The Social Link System

Movies · edgy_incel

Replied to WalterHeisenberg

whats wrong with it?

Before, he felt compelled to avoid her at all costs. But now? Something inside him felt a sense of familiarity when he saw the girl's face. It wasn't a romantic feeling, but rather one of brotherhood and camaraderie.

Marvel: The Social Link System

Marvel: The Social Link System

Movies · edgy_incel

Replied to Spelloyal

bruh he knows who jean grey is, that's why he felt to avoid her at all costs. what he doesn't know is the nature of phoenix force, cause he never really read the comics religiously

Before, he felt compelled to avoid her at all costs. But now? Something inside him felt a sense of familiarity when he saw the girl's face. It wasn't a romantic feeling, but rather one of brotherhood and camaraderie.

Marvel: The Social Link System

Marvel: The Social Link System

Movies · edgy_incel

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