it will be better if he became high human elf witch can provide both benefits of high human and high elf
i have a suggestion bro you can take him to Harry Potter world as his new world where he had to find the space and time gate or anything else like that as a quest so he can travel between worlds
I agree
Did he remove the limitation of level cap, class cap and evolution cap from every one so that can grow further.Author I have a request can you create a complete ancient one from where he will fuse with all other 5 avatars with the help of heart of YGGDRADIL essence or anything like that. Did he have growth type weapon, aramer set and accessory for his new journey.
Bro did you remove the limitation of level cap, class cap and evolution cap from every one so that can grow further.And bro I have a request can you create a complete ancient one from where he will fuse with all other 5 avatars with the help of heart of YGGDRADIL essence or anything like that. Did he have growth type weapon, aramer set and accessory for his new journey
Option 2: harry potter villain
Harry Potter World with Villain Choice System
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