
male LV 14

I have read mostly US books until I found this site! It's been great experiencing all these awesome books and stories from all of the different nations! It makes me realize that no matter the nation, we are all the same when the love of writing and reading is involved! I hope everyone else has realized this as well, and has also transcends borders and politics! We aren't one nation, nor a certain race! We are one, the world of literature!

2022-10-27 đã tham gia United States
Huy hiệu 8

Moments 11
8 days ago

This is going to sound stupid but what the hell is this whole " haven't crossed the threshold yet" supposed to mean?

2 months ago

How is he the first there and first to board, yet when he gets on there are already students on the bus

2 months ago

And for those that said they would stop reading good Please stop and just leave, don't spread your poison to everyone else you sad entitled brats! It's the author s story not yours! Who are you to decide if the character is portrayed right or not!!!

2 months ago

To the person that made the original comment, so if I lost my pet in the middle of the Amazon rainforest and you don't know me yet are asked to save it by people who tried to slander you, while you have no real skills ,nothing but a friend that has some skills! Would you risk your life to save my pet???? Pretty sure everyone reading this knows you're blowing smoke out of your ass, I guess you are just petty enough to try to cause trouble to the author just because you're jealous of his ability to write better than you, especially since he came up with a character that's refreshingly honest!

2 months ago

Su Ping is really just the systems pet! Remember anything can be a pet. Think about it reward and punishment he is being trained by the system

2 months ago

First he had 3 meridians open then he healed one, making 4, then he completed the mission Ultimate Technique, making it 14. Now if he adds twelve more for UT 2 mission, would be 26!

3 months ago

why is it that the other players at level 5 had a way higher HP, yet Iz at level 7 still has only 300?

7 months ago

Sorry dear friend I'm pretty sure that everyone in Mas's camp hit 100 loyalty when he produced 4 rank 6 summons a few chapters back!

11 months ago

I know how hard it is to juggle all that except for the 4 languages Personally I applaud your efforts and am humbled by your dedication! You are a great author and I don't believe anyone else has the right to say otherwise

1 years ago

To the author the story line is awesome but seriously are you really that lazy! You're using a third to half of your required word count on messages before and after the few paragraphs you call a chapter If all your stories are going to be like this then you will have probably lost more than a few customers You are basically ripping us off, we have to pay for chapters and are paying a rate of three chapters just to get one Have more pride as a writer and less greed. You are an amazing author and most of us would much prefer to pay a hair more for full chapters especially if the storyline is as good or better than this one! Constructive criticism not hate, nor ridicule I promise Please keep writing because in my humble opinion, while I've read thousands of books since I was 4, you're story drew me right in and won't let me go!