Webnovel Author: RubyEyedSkull - Fanfic Collection



LV 4
2022-10-25 đã tham gia France

Huy hiệu 5

Moments 242

Replied to The_man_The_myth

worse than that he was delivering the equivalent of a biochemical weapon to a terrorist cell


"That maybe so but the people that you will need to help are mostly going to be on the ground. You don't want to accidentally crash into them do you? Accidentally hurt them?' he asked the young boy.

THE BOYS: Reborn As The Homelander

THE BOYS: Reborn As The Homelander

TV · freedomfic


This reminds me that bungee gum has the properties of both rubber and gum


"Useless. Mr. 1 body, any part, can turn into a blade. He has eaten Dice Dice. Which means, the sound of slicing." Ms Double Finger explained.

One Piece: Gambling to The Top

One Piece: Gambling to The Top

Anime & Comics · blazuki

Replied to l_SilverShadow_l

Well I'd blame Bakugo more than All Might who was kind of justified; to put it in perspective if there was a hostage situation in the real world and a teenager pulled out a knife, proclaimed he was going to save everyone and got in the middle of it, getting chewed out by law enforcement for being an idiot is the least that will happen

Sách này đã bị xóa

What's the probability that him having telekinesis and clearly unnatural strengh while never having registered a quirk will raise alarm bells? Especially after the USJ and Nomu encounter

Sách này đã bị xóa

Sách này đã bị xóa

I hope that with him having unlocked 'Observe' we can see other people stats because right now they're kind of meaningless. I mean he started with all his stats at less than 20. Now he has 250 for all but charisma and he isn't even at UA yet. How much Agility does Eraserhead has? Or Stain? If 10 is a wimpy kid, 40 is like someone who does Yoga then it can't be more than 150 or something right?

Sách này đã bị xóa
Replied to kokishorttail

But he's disrespecting the academy by damaging school property and threatening his own classmates!


Ida adjusts his glasses "It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by damaging school property and threatening your own classmates you cretin!"

MHA: A Gaze of Stone

MHA: A Gaze of Stone

Anime & Comics · UnDeadGent

Replied to kokishorttail


Nobody wanted to believe they'd let a predator teach their children... And his reputation was so amazing... So so many people clung to the easier to stomach falsehoods surrounding poor Hitomi...

MHA: A Gaze of Stone

MHA: A Gaze of Stone

Anime & Comics · UnDeadGent



As for Shidō, his pieces were collected and all brought in. There was confusion on weather to have him in the morgue or tag him as evidence but eventually the morgue "won" the debate. Individuals with [Repair] or [Mending] Quirks were brought in but they had no effect on the pieces, leading examiners to believe he was in fact still alive somehow and classed as a living being. Therefore people with [Healing] Quirks were brought but they too failed to fix the man due to him currently being a Non living entity... And their efforts combined did nothing either... Shidō Sensei was stuck in a not alive not quite dead limbo state it seems... For now.

MHA: A Gaze of Stone

MHA: A Gaze of Stone

Anime & Comics · UnDeadGent


Why? Even without the fishing component, a pocket dimension quirk is pretty impressing.

Like always, his teacher had to mock him with the first choice he had filled out on the paper they got and had to call it out in front of the whole class, and once again, his old friend Katsuki had to scream at him for the fact he wanted to participate in the U.A. entrance exam.

My Hero Academia: World Fishing Quirk

My Hero Academia: World Fishing Quirk

Anime & Comics · LukasS


Wow, I used to scoff when I read a fanfic with a 'let's go to the doctor to find out what your quirk is' chapter but this is actually well thought out and realistic. Props


"Let's move to the real test. The device hanging from the ceiling is one of our state-of-the-art diagnostic scanners. It can scan your whole body including your quirk factor and using an extensive database of registered quirks it will try to categorise and match your quirk. This can tell us some information about it and also what to expect. The database has the data of millions of quirks making it the most accurate to date." he smiled as he introduced the pride of their hospital. Such equipment came at a high price, but clients like the Busujimas and their deep pockets made it more than worth it though.

Lucifer Quirk

Lucifer Quirk

Anime & Comics · Prognastat


Ah yes, having your worth and your job determined at 4 years old by genetics. Clearly, this society is doing great.


"Of course she will be given a choice, however, I don't want her talent to be wasted, I'm sure you know yourself how useful her Quirk would be in an emergency situation. You two are living together after all. Besides, it will be good for you too, since you will have a familiar face to interact with."

MHA: Hurricane

MHA: Hurricane

Anime & Comics · Itsame_Mario



My maternal grandparents were quirk users and heroes, my grandmother was originally from the States. Naomi however only knew of her hero name, that being Tempus. Her quirk was time manipulation. Apparently, my grandmother used to work for the Texas Rangers, one of the largest and most accomplished hero organizations in the western hemisphere.

My Hero Academia: Animus

My Hero Academia: Animus

Anime & Comics · DragonCountry



The trick to being lazy is to do a lot of work when you feel like it so you don't have work when you don't feel like it. Also acting like you're sick and continuing to go to school makes the teachers think you are a lot more dedicated than you really are. It gives you a false air of credibility when you need to make up an excuse for when you do want to indulge your inner sloth later.

My Hero Academia: Animus

My Hero Academia: Animus

Anime & Comics · DragonCountry

Replied to Space_Time

Do you know the definition of 'easily'?

"Bruh, it would work, if I somehow make myself a floating mass of thought, with no body, the limitations a body will bring will be gone, allowing me to grow at an exponential rate, and were in the MHA world, I could probably control some people with my immense Telekinetic powers at that point" said by SussyVaka (MC)

MHA: Telekinesis

MHA: Telekinesis

Anime & Comics · NoNameDeity

Replied to Lord_Shiva_

It's not parental guidance for 18 year olds, it's to mark content that isn't deemed appropriate before 18.


"You're smuggling contraband into my house?!" Jacob asked in surprise as he saw multiple PG 18 movies inside the cello case and a small dvd player.

Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)

Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)

TV · Alittlepiggy33

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