
LV 4
2022-08-17 đã tham gia Australia
Huy hiệu 7

Moments 646
1 days ago

This would probably be more ‘mortal body perfection’

3 days ago

Tracey davis, bet.

"So both of your parents went to Hogwarts?" the girl asked. Not giving him a chance to respond, she said, "mine too. My mum was in Ravenclaw and my dad was in Slytherin." She paused for a moment, then asked, "are you a pureblood then?"

Harry Potter: Magical Memories

Harry Potter: Magical Memories

Movies · Miguelho

3 days ago

No, it is an issue of perception

It was one of the disconcerting aspects of having eidetic memory. His mind could only recall what it remembered, and while it remembered everything that did not mean it knew everything. He could have the memories of something he had seen happen, anything, recall it down to the smallest detail, but sometimes, without the context of what happened before the incident everything he saw, and everything he remembered, could be rendered useless. This was an experience he was becoming intimately familiar with now, and he had to admit, he did not like it. Not one bit.

Harry Potter: Magical Memories

Harry Potter: Magical Memories

Movies · Miguelho

3 days ago

Because she took him as an example or something

I hope I was not too subtle. You guys understood, why Amanda tried to stomp MC's feet right? Comment and let me know. 

Pokemon and the Unchained Mind(Pokemon SI AU)

Pokemon and the Unchained Mind(Pokemon SI AU)

Anime & Comics · soul_words

4 days ago

Fucking inconsistent translation the ending is aggravating, hu liena and mubai, fricking tianheng?! Srsly?!

4 days ago

It makes you (or me at least) wonder if the planet itself is also a pokemon of a sort

It also solved one of Alba's biggest problem and that was moving around. She would eventually grow so big even realeasing her in the forest could destroy the surrounding enviorment. Luckily enough grassy terrain solved that problem as it basically allowed her to walk through tress as if they weren't there. This meant that no matter how big she grew as long as she was in a forest it shouldn't be a big problem.

Pokemon Journey Towards Perfection

Pokemon Journey Towards Perfection

Anime & Comics · Firehawk81

4 days ago

Houndoom has a mega though...

As she approached the gate she soon noticed one of the two trainers standing gaurd had a houndeath out. Which although normally she would have nothing wrong with, she usually brought her parter along for important meetings like this, and her partner had a particular dislike for the houndour line. As she aproached closer and closer to the entrance she could practicly feel the pokeball on her belt heat up and shake.

Pokemon Journey Towards Perfection

Pokemon Journey Towards Perfection

Anime & Comics · Firehawk81

4 days ago

This is actually far too pathetic

Emmet's body froze, his eyes locked onto Firefly's still form. Every muscle in his body wanted to rush to her side, but fear paralyzed him. The only solace in this horrifying moment was the slight rise and fall of Firefly's chest. She was unconscious, but alive.

Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)

Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)

Book&Literature · Basso2142

4 days ago

Really is wasting his ability so much that it hurts

Emmet made his way to Pewter City's bustling market area to stock up for his Mt. Moon expedition. Following Brock's advice, he tripled his shopping list—especially the Antidotes and Potions. In fact, his cart grew so large that he had to tap into his savings account just to afford the highest-capacity Silph Co. backpack on the market. At least he got a refund for returning his previous, barely-used backpack.

Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)

Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)

Book&Literature · Basso2142

4 days ago

With his power, social skills are one of the first bloody things i would want to learn

"Yeah, she's my mother," Emmet replied, trying to read Dan's expression. "She left a message saying she's currently at a training camp on Mt. Silver. Why do you ask?"

Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)

Pokemon Efficient Master (EM)

Book&Literature · Basso2142