In the mystical realm of Azur Lane, a Guardian that was supposedly retired from saving his world into destruction experiences a perplexing transport to a new world. Here, warships have metamorphosed into captivating and charismatic girls. As he forges alliances with these shipgirls and navigates the uncharted territories, he uncovers hidden motives lurking beneath the surface. Some individuals aim to exploit the world's power for personal gain, while others emerge as trusted allies. Amidst the interweaving destinies, a delicate balance is struck between friendship and betrayal, ultimately shaping the fate of multiple worlds in this gripping and enthralling adventure.
In the World of Magic and Technology, since ancient times everything was peaceful living together with magic and happiness, but as time goes by magic was wielded with bad intentions that might harm anyone or the entire human race. But, after the Wars, new forces arrives that is a very threat of humanity. Unknown forces or entity appeared through our world, using the Gates or Portals that humanity do not know.
As this events keeps happening, one by one... Our world changed from a United World into a Split Fraction between the 4 Fractions that separated all of humanity. The Royalty/Nobility Fractions, Military Fractions, Freedom Fractions, and the Neutral Fractions. Because of this fractions that was formed, everyone or most of them has other agendas or there own personal gains instead of dealing the threats of humanity.
Because of that, the Royalty/Nobility Fraction and Military Fraction join forces created an alliance that will prevent the people/awakeners/players stopping them. The Freedom Fractions created a peace treaty and joint forces with the Neutral Fraction to slow down that other 2 Fractions, to help and nurture the young generations and instead of oppressing them from those 2 Fractions. the Freedom Fraction and the rest of the remaining United Nations who are currently active created multiple associations to help there journey and solve the current problems.
The Church has been always allied with the Freedom Fraction by generations and generations. This is a story of a young ordinary boy, who has luck at his side that will become "One of the Guardians of Humanity" in the near or far future, Accel.
-Enjoy Reading-
In the Earth of Universe #5555, there is a certain strong and powerful Guardian name Accel Winchester, who manage to make a good happy ending in the World of Azur Lane together with his friends. Finally, after the long trials and unexpected happening in the World of Azur Lane. Accel can have a retired peaceful life on his private island that he bought recently. But, another unlucky and unforeseen event occur to him yet again, he was transported forcefully in the World of King God Castle, this time he was alone. Will he manage again like last time from a different world and have a happy ending or just go with the flow on what's happening to his journey into another world (Again).
In the enchanting realm of Azur Lane, Earth's valiant Guardians find themselves mysteriously transported. Warships metamorphosed into charismatic girls, they forge alliances with shipgirls, navigating the unknown. Yet, amidst the camaraderie, hidden motives emerge. Some seek to exploit this world's power for personal gain, while others become trusted allies. As destinies intertwine, a delicate balance is struck between friendship and treachery, shaping the fate of multiple worlds in this thrilling adventure.
Well, sorry for making things kind of complicated and a bit of nonsense. But, I am trying my best to make it better.
The Guardians: Transported in the World of Azur Lane
Anime & Comics · ItsAccelDude