
LV 4
2022-08-05 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 3

Moments 108
4 hours ago

I will say again how much I love that the Ace of his team is a buterfree doing things a buterfree shouldn't be able to do.

Still, even if he lost, it was a battle between a regional Champion and a promising opponent, so we decided to watch the battle online since only Sakamoto, who was the one to share the news, had seen the battle among us. After watching the battle, everyone was impressed, and I had to say that both sides fought well. It was just a bit unfortunate that Drayton's ACE Duraludon was at a disadvantage against Marshal's Alpha Conkeldurr since that was what their clash eventually came down to. Either way, shortly after watching that video and discussing the battle between us, we left the park for lunch at one of the nice restaurants here in Fortree City. Since some of them were planning to leave Hoenn before the sky darkened, we held my victory celebration during lunch instead of dinner.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

3 days ago

Get the flaming chicken, Queen!

However, even if it was only lightly poisoned, the poison was still affecting Talonflame's performance, giving Parvati some breathing room to start working on an actual counterattack. As frustrated as Parvati was due to getting chased like she did, Parvati gleefully used Double Team in preparation for her revenge blow.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

6 days ago

Oh, it's a buterfree. OH DEAR GOD, IT'S A BUTERFREE!!!

Anyway, even the referee was dazed by what he witnessed and he only declared Mothra the victor after the thud Charizard released upon falling onto the ground after Mothra let it go. The referee's declaration of Mothra's victory caused the audience to snap out of it and erupt into cheers, which Mothra happily met by waving at them with happy chittering/laughing. Meanwhile, Mia was absentmindedly recalling her Charizard, and I kind of felt bad for her, so I told her to not mind that since Mothra was my strongest and that she had beaten multiple platinum-stage top species members already.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

7 days ago

Well, maybe if you didn't just start with the same pokemon twice in a row, she wouldn't have been able to guess who you would start with XD

Anyway, once I was declared the victor and Kai had vacated the battlefield, the emcee introduced the final Gym Trainer I would have to beat to challenge Winona, and I chose to once again lead with Thor, which Mia seemed to have anticipated since she sent out a (mid) dark gold stage Emolga. I was not sure what was more impressive, the fact that she actually had an Emolga this strong or that she had read me well enough to conclude that I would against common sense and still send out Thor first.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

20 days ago

Cliffhanger strikes again!!!

I got curious about the latter and spoke with him about why he was delaying his evolution since he was more than ready to evolve. Treecko actually told me that his goal was to master everything he could as a Treecko before evolving to Grovyle. It was rather unfortunate that his potential was only at light blue, or I might have been interested in adding him to our family, but there were actually 3 Treecko that stood out more to me, so he got pushed out of the race by them.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

21 days ago

If.he somehow gets a stand.....

I had to stop myself from face-palming when Po kept shouting Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda while releasing one Converted Fire Punch after the other. It seemed Po was feeling particularly otaku-ish today, though our guys were the only ones who understood the reference anyway so it was okay I guess, or not. Whatever, more important than it being slightly embarrassing to hear him shout like that was the fact that he was wasting more energy like that due to recklessly releasing more Fire Punches than necessary, so I told him to stop spamming and to aim properly.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

1 months ago
Replied to Azrail93

Will it ever be mentioned?

1 months ago

Quick question, but has the reason behind a pokemon only have 2 types ever been said in this universe? Is it Arceus setting a limitation, or is it something else?

1 months ago
Replied to Jaylan_Riorden

As I'm coming back to this comment, I realized I missed the obviois.. Dear God, it's John Borne!

"I am John... John Bloodborne." I tried, I tried so hard to resist but the words escaped my tongue.

A Soulsborne's Traveler System

A Soulsborne's Traveler System

Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck
