"…are the winds strong enough to turn windmills."
Anime & Comics · michaeI
Thanks for the chapter!
thanks for the chapter!
his rizz levels... ARE OVER 9000!!!
"Not lonely." He met her gaze. "Not when you find the right people to climb with."
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
Ninja I hear you like 'Em young
"Oh... that's understandable since you're new," said Professor Memphis, his expression softening. None of his students could believe that Professor Memphis could make such an expression.
TV · Nathe07
jugemo' velda o reto. ME ENCANTA ESTE JUEGO. velda' o reto. RETO. te reto a aguantarte 'eta. ESPERA ESPERA... VERDAD. es velda' que te aguanta' 'eta?. .... SI.
There were a few dares that were at least somewhat interesting for Luke and Wednesday to watch. One involved a werewolf daring his fellow packmate to withstand a slap from him. The friend accepted, and a powerful slap landed on his right cheek, knocking out a tooth, drawing blood, and leaving a vivid handprint on his face.
TV · Nathe07
un blue label de jhonnie walker, es un ellisir
The bottle he picked up was whiskey—Johnnie Walker Blue Label, with an alcohol content of 55.8%.
TV · Nathe07
my bro MIGHT be narcisso
But in his female form, it was different. In this guise, he wasn't just attractive—he was overwhelming, almost ethereal. There was something about the flawless symmetry of his face, the softness of his skin, the natural grace in every movement, that effortlessly captured everyone's attention. Her beauty didn't just draw glances; it had the power to disarm, to subjugate, to inspire devotion.
TV · Nathe07
from the description given I believe he looks something like this
'Damn it. I'm going to train,' Luke thought, starting to walk through the dark, narrow hallways of the mansion.
TV · Nathe07
thanks for the chapter!
Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic
TV · Nathe07