This starts rather nicely! There are a few grammatical errors though, but the storyline seems good.Keep it up!
Before I knew what he meant, he picked me up in his arms in bridal style. No one had ever held me like this, not in this way. I blushed and was surprised as well.
Fantasy · Proteety_Promi
Demetrius is adorable
Sharp knocks, in quick succession, bustling against the wooden front door woke Emma up. And for a tiny second, she thought she was still in Florida getting cozy on her queen size bed, until her eyes caught two cockroaches playing around on the floor and her back protested in pain at her for lying it against the kitchen table.
Fantasy · nuvvy10
That sucks
Sách này đã bị xóa
Petty much?😭
"Nobody is talking to you, number two," deadpanned Roman. "Unless she can't speak for herself, which I believe she can?" He raised one of his eyebrows, and this got Dennis to close his mouth.
Fantasy · ash_knight17
"Can't or won't?" demanded Roman, his demeanour turning intimidating.
Fantasy · ash_knight17
"I don't bother to remember who comes second. It is a pitiful position," remarked Roman, rubbing salt over Dennis' wound.
Fantasy · ash_knight17
Roman's eyes shifted from Julie to look at the boy with whom she was sitting. With a casual attitude, he asked, "Do I know you?"
Fantasy · ash_knight17
Damnshe cruel