

male LV 13

lost in love and lust , where the two connect and combine

2022-06-26 đã tham gia United States
Huy hiệu 10

Moments 331
11 months ago

Oh? Is this still getting updated? Started getting super good and now just stopped. But good story!

11 months ago
Replied to THE_mine_play

Because humans breed like cockroaches and the heaven is literally fighting everyone so where would they get the time to attack devils for simply harming some human villages

Main Battlefield was just a fancy name for the wasteland in the Underworld, which served as a place for endless bloodshed among Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels. It was a tacit understanding between three Factions, to fight at some abandoned location, to not cause too many civilian casualties.

The Holy Chronicles of Baator

The Holy Chronicles of Baator

Anime & Comics · Trafford

11 months ago
Replied to Kaisen1

Trade with factions, information found in his library, an assumption made based off his own life and what he’s observing of humans and their relationship with God rn. There may be others but these are what I’ve noticed thus far and are logical

Not something rare across countless planes of Astral Boundary. Those planes ruled by Gods usually have other species living there on a tight leash. Often crippling their lineages, it would be impossible for them to practice any Power System or entirely depend on Gods. It would be dangerous for them if their subjects could get stronger without dependence on faith... often, it would lead to violent retaliation.

The Holy Chronicles of Baator

The Holy Chronicles of Baator

Anime & Comics · Trafford

11 months ago
Replied to Vaerus

Aesir Protoss and other factions that came from the Astral Boundary all have this information

While Devour was good to advance fast in lower ranks, as we are in Draconic Deus, there was a limit to powerhouse numbers. If I was in Astral Boundary, with my financial abilities, I could just buy Cores of Monarch-Level Monsters or other Tier 2 Powerhouses and be done with it.

The Holy Chronicles of Baator

The Holy Chronicles of Baator

Anime & Comics · Trafford

11 months ago

This is good, I love the idea

These "balls" are called Truth-Seeking because they can be used on a subconscious level to attack, defend or support. Additionally, if needed, they could also change their shape, split, merge or self-destruct, creating a huge explosion of Dark Light.

The Holy Chronicles of Baator

The Holy Chronicles of Baator

Anime & Comics · Trafford

11 months ago

He’s a golden-age human most likely

She was gorgeous, comparable to Aeldari Priestesses in my past life. I quickly shook my head and tried to get rid of my anxiety. I was never good with women; in my past, I was fully devoted to scientific research for my entire life of over two centuries.

The Holy Chronicles of Baator

The Holy Chronicles of Baator

Anime & Comics · Trafford

1 years ago
Replied to Ethereal062

That’s what he did?

It was simple.Being Omnipotent,Omnipresent and Immortal, life was boring. He had known everything that could possibly be known, and everything that was, is and would happen was always appearing in his mind. With such eternal knowledge, boredom was only a matter of time.

Supreme Elf God

Supreme Elf God

Fantasy · Zeka8

1 years ago


People on the Internet used to say that life was like being raped. If you couldn't resist it, then try to enjoy it.

Super Godly Machine Army

Super Godly Machine Army

Eastern · Autumn Lu

1 years ago

Dumbledores cousin?

The scribe stands at the front of the classroom and begins to speak once everyone is seated, "Greetings, I am Doran Dumble, the scribe tasked with teaching new Initiates most theoretical things they'll need to know. Obviously, I also have the unenviable task of adjudicating the test for today. I'll not tell the contents of the tests as that'd defeat the purpose, so I'll just lay out some ground rules... Do not attempt to look at others papers, you may think otherwise but I am not stupid, if I see someone even shoot a glance at another I'll have you tied up and tossed into the desert for the scorpions." he says, obviously joking but Afton could see many students tense up at this... Perhaps that was the purpose of it?

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross

1 years ago

Might be wrong but I like it

In any case, there wouldn't be any good people who could mingle with Zhang Muzhi. There was no need to worry about killing the wrong people.

I Have Awakened The Deduction System

I Have Awakened The Deduction System

Eastern · Another Chance At Being Human