no problems the chapters would be available for free after sometime here.
He has a physical body while he can survive even without it so he can create a new body.
5. my soul is now immortal so If my physical body is killed by soul will still exist and is strong enough to resist the pull 0f the otherside and Hell. So all I have to do is to perform a sacrificial ritual to create a new body.
TV · dEV1L_Panda
I am terrible at it so i thought after I finish the fic I will release the extended chapters only containing R-18 scenes with bookmarks which scene is from which chapter how does that sound?.
Soon , my exams are near so I can't use much of my time on this so upload frequently is not possible.
it's a flashback.
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
TV · dEV1L_Panda
it isn't Compulsion what MC does is Straight up Mind control
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
TV · dEV1L_Panda
you do have a valid point
Tvd with girls
TV · dEV1L_Panda