SPOILER it doesn't
Albert just threw a glance out of the window as if to confirm whether or not it was night.
Fantasy · Warmaisach
i am so curious what ability someone would get for working with nick
cant they just send that information to all barriers then? at least all agents governors and heroes since they can read hundreds of pages in seconds?
The technology needed to spread faster than the Envious Researcher could kill people.
Fantasy · Warmaisach
probably travelled through gwyn's soul
Was Anvil, dressed just like he had been in the Dream Realm. Which did not make any sense, since only Ascended could carry physical items on them between the two worlds.
Fantasy · Guiltythree
probably since he is the biggest traitor not just betraying humanity but giving it in a silver platter
whats the worse flaw of them all
"Mirror, mirror on the wall..."
Fantasy · Guiltythree
this flaw would be crazy with weavers mask getting everything that you hate
"It's that I must lose everything I cherish."
Fantasy · Guiltythree
oh yes you clenched your buttcheeks? now i know the faces of your whole family
He saw the man's family, what the man thought about his family, what he did for a job, and what he was about to do, assuming he survived the way to his home without a mishap.
Fantasy · Warmaisach
that doesn't make sense you cant guess exactly what someone is thinking just by their movement and situation if someone is in the doctor sitting on a chair you could probably guess that he is thinking of something that has to do with his visit to the doctor but he can be thinking about what groceries to buy how would he calculate that
Just by the tiniest movements, Nick could tell what someone was thinking.
Fantasy · Warmaisach
man if her flaw is that she cant bear children then that flaw is complely obsolete since she only inhabits dead bodies
Shadow Slave
Fantasy · Guiltythree