Fast forward to year X781, the 8th seal is finally broken in July. The 8 Tails, Gyuki is finally freed from his seal. Now only the 9 Tails, Kurama is left to be unsealed.
Anime & Comics · Grim_Fairy
Then when Chomei was unsealed, the side effect that appears on Alex's body was skin shedding. He suddenly grows a new layer of skin underneath his original skin. Then the old skin dries up and hardens.
Anime & Comics · Grim_Fairy
When Saiken was unsealed, Alex's body lets out slimy substance from the pores. It doesn't seem dangerous at first, but when some drip onto the ground, the soil starts sizzling as it melts. The slimy liquid is very corrosive.
Anime & Comics · Grim_Fairy
Indoraptor (Jurassic World) [Summon] (Pet)
Movies · wolf_king87
trust me just don't ever search it for your own good
You can't trust internot trolls after all. I learned that the hard way after I looked up 'two girls 1 cup" and "bocu no pico" after online discussion for sauce. I guess that's how my mental problems and trust issues started.
TV · Virtuosso
Evolution Progress: 0% toward Champion level (Veedramon).
Anime & Comics · Jose_Lozada_0028
Evolution Progress: 48% toward Champion level (Greymon).
Anime & Comics · Jose_Lozada_0028
Evolution Progress: 65% toward Champion level (Garurumon X).
Anime & Comics · Jose_Lozada_0028
[You have three forms available: Agumon, Gabumon X, and V-mon. Transformation is your choice. Moves must be learned through experience. No handouts. Adapt or die.]
Anime & Comics · Jose_Lozada_0028
"Even Naruto could immediately use our power when we were inside his body during the war. Well, he just integrated our power into his skills because he didn't have time to learn more about our power. But it shows that you can use our power right away without any training as long as we allow it. So with just some understanding of our powers, you can quickly use them and master them." Gyuki also gives a lecture to Alex.
Fairy Tail: Jinchuriki
Anime & Comics · Grim_Fairy