The weird symbols again
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TV · Raat_Ki_Rani
Like the weird Å and the random £ signs
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Anime & Comics · Raat_Ki_Rani
What was up with all the weird letters? But still good.
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Anime & Comics · Raat_Ki_Rani
It’s good just ADD SPACES PLEASE. It’s so hard to read speech or just in general so please add them in the newest chapters or fix the old ones as well.
Do you talk like this in real life im curious.
Add spaces again it’s just lazy not to have them and makes it way worse to read what was an interesting story.
LEAVE SPACES. This looks really bad and is hard to read.
That would be good. It’s not like you get attached to them in the game anyway. New things just make it more interesting.
In a calming yet demanding voice, he spoke. "We should talk." It wasn't a suggestion.
Video Games · Dragonfly_SS
I think you rushed th chapters since Harry was glitched. It’s alright but could be a lot better if you took your time.
The entire room began shaking apart that that point and Harry didn't even bother trying to save himself as he slid back off the platform. He crashed down hard on top of his shield several seconds later before the floor of the Dungeon room shattered beneath him but Harry didn't even register the physical pain he felt because his heart was still shattering into millions of pieces. As the world around him broke apart, Harry screamed a second time and this time his magic exploded outwards to sweep through the world that had been his home for two years.
Anime & Comics · XAlone_BoyX
I thought Mary died ???!
But ye, that. Next couple chaps will be interludes that I'm probably going to use to just timeskip to canon, because holy fuck if I don't timeskip to canon this fic is gonna end up being a million fucking words lmfao
Tear it Down
Anime & Comics · Bored_MC