Even in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Homura and Koharu continued to serve as advisors to the Hokage.
Anime & Comics · Rashta
I opted instead for a multiplier principle. The shadows he acquires and stabilizes behind his own cultivation level increase his soul power. Same principle for the shadows he takes and which must be demoted to enter his shadow. I will try to publish two chapters this weekend and it should give more information.
"I don't know. The more I study patterns, the more I notice their flaws or get insights into creating new ones. But this is nothing compared to Brother Nie Li's knowledge," Chan Wei replied, resuming his writing.
Book&Literature · geomichi506
76. Tsunade's Iron Fist of Love
Anime & Comics · Rashta
Hanekawa's expression turned strange as he recalled certain stories about nuns and fish.
Anime & Comics · Rashta
"I'm telling the truth!" Obito quickly argued.
Anime & Comics · Rashta
TT boruto is a bad for my generation
Ah, now I understand why Anko Mitarashi turned into a fat pig
Anime & Comics · Rashta
zoro is too good to let go, it's just that i wanted to create another plot than the one in Shells town for him ^^
yes it begins and the STARS will show the extent of their abilities ^^
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(Author's note: A bit of pushing, but it works. Tomorrow, I'll see if I can send two more chapters. Have a good evening, and attached is an image of Kyu.)
TDG : rise of shadow army
Book&Literature · geomichi506