I like how the FL is portrayed and how she is not always crying about things being unfair. Instead, she is doing something about it on her own
The Fl is so cute and the book is written well enough to make me annoyed at some characters. Emily is just like someone I used to know and it is pissing me off in a good way.
I liked this story for one simple fact - the main character gained power and it did not go to his head immediately. He is looking at things to figure out what he can use.
I am willing to hand out 5 stars on the basis of this not being a harem novel alone. I like the summary and the plot progression as well so it is well worth my time.
I like the concept a lot since the MC actually has an important role from the start and not a no-name person. I'm interested to see how he performs in the future
Just so you know, that old man got what he was deserved. He was annoying and I am happy to see him at his current place. I hope he doesn't come back
Sách này đã bị xóa
I would like a happy ending to this story but man do I love all the things the MC is going through. I feel sorry for her but I also like her a lot. I hope she gets better soon.
This is a trin wreck waiting to happen and I am here for it. I am waiting for things to happen so that I can say - I told you so. But I will wait for it.2.2
The Bride Widow
Urbain · Holy_mackrel