

male LV 2
2022-03-13 đã tham gia Global
Huy hiệu 4

Moments 85
1 months ago
Replied to Taida_Naeko

Когда устаю переводить то да, с переводчиком)

2 months ago
Replied to One_Singularity

Obviously the Girls will ignore this. Or the System will blur the picture and sound. Or they are all already sitting there with brainwashed and just don't know it. Classic.

2 months ago

a good fanfic would be if it was written by a good author. I'm not even sure what to write here myself, since the whole fanfic is a big hole. There are some good ideas here. But ideas alone are obviously not enough to make a good story. Otherwise, this is another story about a "Genius NOT young master" with abilities that are unknown to anyone from earth to heaven. What? He didn't become strong right away? Well, then the insurmountable wall of plot armor comes into play. so... Just try it and you'll understand what the problem is. And if not... Everyone has their own tastes, I guess?

3 months ago

Another bland story with an absolutely unbalanced main character. Over the 80 chapters I've read, MC is already stronger than most of the Verse characters - right down to individual members of the Spider Troupe. And I would have accepted this fact if the Main Character "Deserved" his abilities, but... no. He won them in gacha. The number of golden fingers in the wrong place on MC increases with every tenth chapter. In general, the MC is a typical Mary Sue. All his plans go well or even better. All his opponents are obviously weaker and stupider than him. The rest of the characters in the story simply bend under his will, unable to make their own decisions - or simply deprived of this privilege. (I might have gone a bit overboard here, but in general this is my personal subjective opinion) Also, over all the past chapters, the only thing that is reported about the main Character is that his name is Lan. That's all. Well, he's also kind of thin and sometimes handsome? There were no other descriptions besides this. In the end, I simply cannot accept such a high rating for this fanfic. It is simply tasteless with a main character who is more of a function than a person. I consider further ranting unnecessary - that's all.

3 months ago

Chapter is good. Life is good. Good!

3 months ago

I think this is just chapter from baki with few additional words... Please continue!

4 months ago

Zouken died and that's good. Shinji's survival is a pleasant surprise. I just hope he doesn't turn into something like the original - Sakura could use a normal good older brother. All that's left is to somehow save Kiritsugu and life is generally good... Until everything obviously goes to hell again. (Nasuverse is not a place for "just" a happy life) Gilgamesh... here she doesn't seem as bad as in the original but the experience with Kirei... In general, Leo can be understood, but I personally hope that Gil turns into a cool/stern/arrogant/older sister for Kiritsugu's new daughters. That would be pretty funny) Oh, and yes! ZelRICH - damn you!) I hope he won't introduce Leo to his granddaughters... Arcueid is okay but that other one... That might be too much for young Leo xDD

4 months ago

Hell no. Wilhelm can't escape his "Luck" Even when he tries with all his might. Although I am glad how united the whole Will Group is shown. But the girl's Mother... Why the Greek Gods Again?! Why are they always so much trouble?! It's good that she didn't turn into some kind of beast to "take advantage" of Wilhelm. The Greeks (gods) love that. All we can do is wait. At least we can expect a fair ass-kicking for everyone who deserves it or just happened to be on the receiving end - that's what we love!

4 months ago

No, I've had enough. This story is killing my nerve cells. Relationships don't work like that. Just no! No one gets attached to others with such speed and force, regardless of their actions. This smells like blatant brainwashing or something like that. And the main character literally declared that he was going to hook all the heroines... I see where this is going and refuse to read further. Good luck to everyone who reads this and I hope you don't suffer from early Alzheimer's.

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