Great work on chapter, look forward to reading the next one.
Penny grimaced. "After I mentioned worrying about our education gap, he gave me a *community college application* yesterday."
TV · thebigbang
Not his fault he knows what kids need in an adult.
Thus, "Uncle Martin says…" became the most frequent phrase in the Pritchett household. Of course, Martin noticed the complicated looks from the parents—jealousy over Jay and the kids favoring him. Pathetic, really.
TV · thebigbang
Gloria's glare hinted murder.
TV · thebigbang
No, you won't.
Gloria scowled. "If we were in Colombia, I'd shoot him."
TV · thebigbang
Box of Wine should do it. Good chapters
Danzō Shimura and Elders of Leaf no Doubt about it. Hokage really made a mess of things by letting power get into their heads.
Who would believe that no one was behind the scenes?
Anime & Comics · Alex_002
Alexandria will have problems, one being no guards that are trained against large groups like Saviors and Survivors like Jocelyn who lied to her old friend Michonne and kidnaps children to turn into her servants while stealing supplies from groups she has killed.
"I'm Aaron," he said, voice steady but cautious.
TV · Tactless_Knight1
Sure, there must be a way for Martin to get Mike back to Harvard university which would save the drama to come in Suits Universe.
Suits: A Lawyer Surviving TV Chaos
TV · thebigbang