Beauty_San_0404 - Profile



LV 15
2022-02-20 đã tham gia United States

Huy hiệu 12

Moments 4518



When Rafael started moving, the GPS tracker displayed a white line that traced his route. As he navigated through Aleyska, the line on the map began to take shape. By the time he stopped his bike, the white line had boldly spelled out the word IDIOT on the map.

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Fantasy · Sky_Li_7376


I wonder who he's referring to here 🙄


He would need to come up with a plan to save himself in case everything goes downhill, and there was only one person he could turn to.

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Fantasy · Sky_Li_7376


Rafael truly showed up that night? Thought Albin only mentioned the moonshadow pack to frame him. Explains why Raph knows so much 😍


The more reason why Albin felt paranoid was because the pack guard had told him that he had been shot by someone from the moonshadow pack, and the next day, the Alpha of the moonshadow pack showed up before his daughter could eliminate Pollyanna.

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Fantasy · Sky_Li_7376


You clearly have no shame🙄 you wore Polly's dress and humiliated her, then using her brand😮‍💨 you're hopeless


She honestly didn't know why they were so concerned. "I heard Polly owns a body product brand in the city, and she left one of her products behind." She told Blake, "I've been using it since the day I saw it, haven't you noticed my glowing skin?"

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Fantasy · Sky_Li_7376



Serra joined Blake in his seat and clasped her hand affectionately in his, "how about we forget everything like it never happened. You and I are finally what we've dreamed to be. We rule the crescent moon pack now, so…so let's push every deed we've done and move on from it. Polly and Norman deserve what they've gotten, so why are we dwelling on it? For all we know she could be suffering in the hands of the moonshadow pack as we speak."

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Fantasy · Sky_Li_7376


You killed Norman and you expect to get away with it


Blake was paranoid. He couldn't wipe that smirk from his memory, and never has he felt so intimidated in his life.

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Fantasy · Sky_Li_7376


He's taking part in a shooting 🤣🤣 and soon all of you will join him

Serra shook her head for the umpteenth time, "no, I never shot the pack guard, and he was only within the vicinity cause I asked him to keep watch and ensure that no one came near the cliff except Polly. He was the one who shot Norman cause I didn't have the guts to do it, and we fled right after. How he got shot in the foot in the end, I honestly don't know anything about that." she explained, thinking he must have shot himself deliberately to avoid suspicion.

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Fantasy · Sky_Li_7376


Ohhh you're all in deep sh** 😠😠


Serra was still heavily shakened up, and she was stunned that Alpha Rafael let them get away with what they've done to his mate. A mate bond was the strongest connection that could hold a couple together for eternity, and no Alpha would take such an affront lightly, most especially when the victim was his mate.

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Fantasy · Sky_Li_7376


let's shoot some confession 😂😂


Rafael snapped his finger, "let's try this again, shall we? One, two, three and action." He smiled.

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Fantasy · Sky_Li_7376



He reclined in his seat and twirled the bloodied screw-driver in his grip. "If you want to get out of here with every part of your body still intact, then answer the questions truthfully. I know who the killers are, so don't even think about framing the innocent. We are going to do this again, and if you don't open that damn thing you call a mouth, the consequences will be far from pleasant."

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Fantasy · Sky_Li_7376


Is he the one who shot Norman??


He had gotten a good beating, and Rafael tsked, wondering why his men hit him so hard. All he did was give the bastard one or two stabs in areas he wouldn't bleed much, okay, maybe five stabs, but his assassins clearly had more fun in beating the man to stupor.

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Fantasy · Sky_Li_7376



Rafael stepped out of the guest house and made his way to the spot where he parked his car. His next stop is getting the evidence from the one who truly witnessed Norman getting shot on that night, and he hoped his assassins had succeeded in getting the video record.

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Fantasy · Sky_Li_7376


me right now


"I'll bring your brother back to you," he leaned over and pressed his lips gently on her forehead before whispering, "I promise."

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Fantasy · Sky_Li_7376


Is it Albin? He wasn't there when Rafael showed up

As if timed, his beta mind-linked him that his assassins had gotten hold of the person he sent them to abduct. That information was all Rafael needed to move on to his next plan, cause there's one thing he's learned from his years of suffering.

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Fantasy · Sky_Li_7376



"I'm stronger than that okay?" She voices out in response to her thoughts, "I'm stronger than that so why won't you just tell me—" her hands grabbed the fabric of his collar, and she bumped her head lightly on his chest. Her body shook and trembled against him. He could hear her sobbing freely now, and it took a lot of his willpower to not reveal what he knew by a thread.

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Alpha's Prize: Claiming The Wolfless Luna

Fantasy · Sky_Li_7376

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