si iyya emang bener-bener yah
dih ngaku-ngaku .pacar aku ituu
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Teen · Lovurple4_
gimana ceritanya itu keturunan tembok ?🤣🤣🤣
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Teen · Lovurple4_
wah diulti hahaha
Đoạn này đã bị xóa
Teen · Lovurple4_
Abi itu anak yang hebat. ujiannya dia bukan dari luar, tapi orang tua dia sendiri. jadi, kalo orang dari luar mau ganggu, ya silahkan aja. Abi gak akan merasa terganggu
Abi idaman bangett
Buset yya ,gak kira-kira amat morotin orangnya .untung Abidzar loh si manusia kulkas .jadi gak akan takut diapa-apain 😂😂😂 Buat Emaknya Abidzar ,gue tandain lo yah !
Yes, Fauzan is good. do you really buy it. Daneo base.
"Fortunately, Fauzan is good. He is very understanding. It suits you," said Daneo happily seeing Fauzan paying without being asked.
Teen · Lovurple4_
Daneo Sucks
"Okay Sat, pay it!" Daneo ordered casually. They were used to the attitude of that one impudent man. It is indeed the laziest when it comes to paying and always directly handing it over to Satria who has the most wealth among them.
Teen · Lovurple4_
OMG!!! I love so much for this book. Its the great full story. Thank you so much for thi Author, and let finish this story. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 but i'm serious like this .
Hugging The Wounds
Teen · Lovurple4_