Yeah imma need more
"Let's follow him," Powder said, determined. Ekko was about to protest when she snapped, her gaze meeting his, unyielding. "I want answers."
Video Games · Drunken_Sailor822
For a child she was able to put up a fight more than she was supposed to regardless of her being a prodigy
"If Shisui is the reincarnation of someone else, how do you explain his special wisdom? Azula is smart, but she's just a child, Shisui is more than smart and you know it," Azulon pointed out.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
"Yesterday night, when I asked you out, you agreed. I wanted to know when we could hang out again," he said while nervously making his index fingers touch over and over again, mimicking a shy anime girl.
Anime & Comics · ThePpp_Pppp
I thought you died
Sách này đã bị xóa
It Catches up with You…
TV · stockholmsin
I don’t know I kind of enjoy it
(AN: So the trial is over and Jaden is free. So what is next for our hero. Well he still has the main trial but that's later on for now we have my least favourite thing. Character development. I say that but honestly I've been wanting to do this for a while. Jaden is a pretty bland character right? Well there's a reason for that. Don't you think it's strange he has no ambition whatsoever. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)
Mistaken Identity || Star Wars Fic
TV · TheManUnderTheBed