Webnovel Author: Why_Read_This - Fanfic Collection



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2022-02-11 đã tham gia Global

Huy hiệu 4

Moments 97

Replied to No_One_1398

Ah, thanks for info. Seems I need to do some more research.

"Lady Lysa Arryn neé Tully, Lady of the Eyrie, Lady Regant of the Vale of Arryn. I hope the roads were uneventful," Lysa was a pretty young woman, cursed with an old ugly husband, despite his extensive lands.

G.O.T: Solas

G.O.T: Solas

TV · Why_Read_This

Replied to anubis1650

Your right.

Jamie looked as if was about to explode, but Tolfdir raised a hand towards his direction, before continuing "If Aegon 'The Mad King' had the skill of the best knights in the kingdom, would he have fallen? If the throne can give one person the power of 7 Kingdoms… then why was he so WEAK?!"

G.O.T: Solas

G.O.T: Solas

TV · Why_Read_This

Replied to Why_Read_This

False wall*

Jon sat near the back end of the Hunter's Reach, notching the ends of logs, Evelyn and Aela weren't far away watching him work whispering among themselves. Astrid was resting in the makeshift bed Tolfdir had used previously nursing a mild hangover, looking over his work. Jon rose to his feet and set his chisel aside before wiping his sweat with a torn tunic he had kept as a rag. With a few breaths he bent over and gripped one of the pigs before dragging it over closer to the false was both Evelyn and Aela had spotted the day before.

G.O.T: Solas

G.O.T: Solas

TV · Why_Read_This


Logs… not pigs…

Jon sat near the back end of the Hunter's Reach, notching the ends of logs, Evelyn and Aela weren't far away watching him work whispering among themselves. Astrid was resting in the makeshift bed Tolfdir had used previously nursing a mild hangover, looking over his work. Jon rose to his feet and set his chisel aside before wiping his sweat with a torn tunic he had kept as a rag. With a few breaths he bent over and gripped one of the pigs before dragging it over closer to the false was both Evelyn and Aela had spotted the day before.

G.O.T: Solas

G.O.T: Solas

TV · Why_Read_This


Not half, it’s 3/4. I had initially did the math wrong.

Tolfdir allowed Robert's men to escort the other half to his hut near Wickenden, only being assured that it would indeed be placed under the 25th floorboard to the left of the 3rd floorboard.

G.O.T: Solas

G.O.T: Solas

TV · Why_Read_This


*As Evelyn began* putting away

Robert caved in, putting away the one reminder to never get into debt with his Sister…

G.O.T: Solas

G.O.T: Solas

TV · Why_Read_This




The brown garbed woman nodded under her black hooded muffler, before gesturing towards a black haired woman with a heater shield strapped to her back and a long sword dangling from her waist. Catching the gesture from the corner of her eyes she quickly came over, the robes woman whispered her a few words and the black haired woman took the robes woman's place, buttoning up her white tunic to look at least a bit more proper for her Lady…

G.O.T: Solas

G.O.T: Solas

TV · Why_Read_This




Seeing Tolfdir disappear into the crowd, Evelyn whispered to a robed woman at her side, "Call Astrid to replace your duty, then go find Tolfdir, inform him I wish to have a talk and will arrive at his door at dusk."

G.O.T: Solas

G.O.T: Solas

TV · Why_Read_This


Damn…. *Servant*

Tolfdir sneakily left his room, fully suited in his armor, and both his sword hung from his side. Creeping up behind a secant he gripped the scared young man by his shoulder, gently whispering into the young man's ear, "Where's the kitchen?!"

G.O.T: Solas

G.O.T: Solas

TV · Why_Read_This


Right *eye* but

Evelyn's head snapped around violently for an instant before it became a soft turn, just as Robert burst out into self-deprecating laughter. A tear built up in his right up but with all the willpower in his being he stopped it from falling, "Tolfdir you… haven't changed…" it grew slightly harder to hold that tear but Robert persevered.

G.O.T: Solas

G.O.T: Solas

TV · Why_Read_This


{Olenna Tyrell} Is 40-sum while looking like that… Somehow…


A soft melodious laugh sounded out as a middle aged woman grabbed the youth and rested him in her lap, "Indeed you are my dear, but you must remember what I told you…" using her free hand she cleared a few strands of ginger hair out of her face.

G.O.T: Solas

G.O.T: Solas

TV · Why_Read_This

Replied to anubis1650

Yeah, forgotten to add Olenna’s will do it now.

ch 0 4 1 Bastard… 2 Bastard… 3 Bastard…

G.O.T: Solas

G.O.T: Solas

TV · Why_Read_This

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